Thanks for the QRD fren.
I'm thinking I don't trust this email. Does anyone have a direct to Jim / Ron email? I'm not going to have terror manifestos posted using my IP. and I've got a feeling anything I send to that address is going straight to the asshole doing it. This shit is easy to put a stop to. Deleting my posts about the matter isn't going to make this go the fuck away. You've done FUCKING pissed me off good now.
See this PROOF? USING MY IP to post terror shit? OH fucking hell to the no. Undoing the ban isn't getting you off any hook.
KEK sorry, every time a stupid nigger does something stupid I automatically go to…Hank "Helium Midgets" Johnson.
Dutch is doing an update on twitch live now. will probably be available later on jewtube. maybe…he's walking a fine line. Not only is he accurate af…I'm watching people in his livestream chat on twitch literally posting the next EQ location based on the others.
Yeah get that IP harvested. Then they'll use it here to get you banned.
The Heliplots are looking more normal…not like yesterday.
But we have incoming solar shit, and Apophis is passing by tonight. This will put tension on earth and may get things shaking hard again.
Thanks for posting…Band pissed them off a long time ago. Search the email leaks for Band or Doug….it wasn't clear exactly why but "diane rivers aka Chelsea was bitching about him.
>I see no bot spams now.
S'k brah. no harm no foul.
All it takes, apparently is threatening to fucking sue them for privacy breach letting people who shouldn't have access, HAVE access to our IPs so they can post using them. This is fucking ILLEGAL and I fucking swear ….I get a knock on my door for posting terror manifestos hell hath no fucking FURY.
OH dear god….that Guam tipping over is my favorite…but holy shit he dug himself a hole he can never climb out of with his midget speech.
I'm convinced "they" get the most stupid niggers in office (you know, election fuckery)….and keep them there and just tell them how to vote. I mean…what other possible answer can there be? Who would vote for Johnson again after his Guam debacle?
I think Mad Max, Hank Johnson, Al Green. Elijah Cummings (RIP..fucker), Shelia Jackson Lee, you get the point….they're just puppets.
He's happy now.
Curious if any q post fags/ clock fags are able to sort these posts out….remove disinfo would mean to me to remove shit like Trust Wray, Trust Sessions…stuff that is clearly Q glowposting disinfo…is this what the "bakerbots" are trying to bury?
That post is lovely but it doesn't have anything to do with my pic related. There's literally NEVER going to be declass while Biden is LARPing as president. How will he explain that BARR fucked us over and diddled himself for HOW long putting off Trump's orders to declassify. Why Trump didn't just do it himself (I think he has the power to just do it himself) is probably more smoke and mirrors….
ALL the evil fucks are still at their posts, from Wray down to Rice (who is "rumored" to be Jao Bi Deng's shadow president).
Assuming that Bi Deng's presidency is what it looks like (a LARP) then we have to decide what is and what is not disinfo which kind of makes the entire point of those posts useless
IS "trust wray" disinfo? is he a undercover white hat? Which witch is which–which is disinfo?