Anonymous ID: 723a8f March 5, 2021, 10:59 p.m. No.13155730   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My (hopefully accurate) summary of the important points of the piece:

The US Bill of Rights already protects our God given rights related to the choice of getting vaccinated. However, in these times of mass brain damage and delusion it may be helpful to present the concept of a "vaccine bill of rights" so that " officials" are wise to their responsibilities regarding the protection of people under their apparent jurisdiction.


I haven't tried to follow the links yet, but it seems that to simplify the process of contacting your representatives one of those "plug and chug" resources has been set up. Indicate where you live and get automatic messages sent to your "officials".


I strongly believe that individuals told they are "mandated" to get a COVID vaccine are on firm Constitutional and Nuremburg Code grounds to file suit and recover damages. I believe "public officials", employers and others threatening people in this manner can be held PERSONALLY liable for damages. Violating a person's civil rights under "color of law" seems to be a FELONY. I also believe that on these grounds officials overstepping the proper bounds of their authority such as city council members and local "public health" departments can be sued and held criminally liable.


On a related subject. Mask mandates have been in effect in many places. Research seems to be suggesting that masks may cause lung cancer. I also believe that public officials can and will be held liable for damages if their felonious denial of civil rights "under color of law" has resulted in illnesses.