Anonymous ID: 2ed1a1 May 5, 2018, 8:32 p.m. No.1314723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4756 >>4762 >>5305




I also agree he is not a good guy nor is he /ourguy/. So, that begs the question: why did Mueller and RR meet with Potus days before he was assigned SC?

Is it possible RR and Mueller met to tell Potus he himself was not under criminal investigation? Please note that must know legally a sitting President can not be charged criminally while in Office. Did they try to placate Potus by telling him he had nothing to worry about. Meanwhile, they were planning to frame him?

Anonymous ID: 2ed1a1 May 5, 2018, 8:51 p.m. No.1314911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4976 >>5305




Keep in mind, McCabe and RR needed a way for the Title ! surveillance to continue and the only way for that to happen was thru Mueller. The DOJ ended it's investigation into Russian interference right before Mueller was assigned SC. Mueller immediately picked up where DOJ/FBI left off. Strzok and Page joined Muellers team. It was a smooth transition for them to continue planning the Coup. This had nothing to do with the DNC and they all knew it. Remember, Adm Rodgers had already informed Potus of things he had found. In addition Nunes had also informed Potus of nefarious items. They had to tell Potus something to get him to call off the dogs and let them "investigate" all this Russian interference.


We now know Potus even agreed that if anyone in his circle was colluding, he wanted to know about it. They underhanded got Potus to agree to the SC investigation.


Mueller is as crooked as the day is long. There is no way getting past that. Comey just looks like a snake in the grass, but his criminal history does not go as far back as Mueller's. Once a marine…BS!!! He retired in 1970. Somewhere between then and Early 2000 he became corrupted.


Learning Potus/Q/Team moves and counter moves as we are, I would have to think they are 5 steps ahead of Mueller/RR.

Anonymous ID: 2ed1a1 May 5, 2018, 9:18 p.m. No.1315147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5305



We already know and have known there was Russian "interference". They do it all the time and not just to the US. We might have common goals with Russia, but they are not necessarily good guys.


But, promoting propaganda is along the lines of their so called interference. At least that was made public. But McCabe/RR/Strzok/Page/Comey/Mueller all knew he did nothing wrong and in no way colluded with Russia. Remember, they had everyone associated with Potus under extreme surveillance as early and July 2016. Mueller became SC in May 2017. That's already 10 months of illegal surveillance. Look at recent statements made by Caputo. Mueller illegally used Title 1 surveillance to spy on everyone near Potus. There is no way in Hell he should have been allowed to use Title 1. It's criminal as fuck.


Mueller and RR had to get Potus on board with an investigation to allow them to hide their criminality. I don't know what guise they used, but my guess is the Russians interfering.


The SC was not about overturning the election results. There was something else going on that's only just been skimmed over. (((They))) had plans to have a recount or something like that but I think the white hats put a stop to that. The "insurance policy" was to frame Potus using illegally obtained material and hopefully enough public outcry of false accusations to push impeachment. They needed to wait until his favorability ratings dropped to a certain point and then they felt they would be successful at getting the 2/3 vote in the Senate. However, just like after the release of the Access Hollywood tape, it didn't affect his ratings, LOL. These people are stupid and thought they had better control. They did not count on Patriots rising up!!!


The SC Investigation was and continues to be a smear campaign and a way to cover their tracks. Mueller is getting cut off at the knees, in a public way and Potus is not the one doing it. If Potus ended the investigation, many would never believe he was innocent. Mueller has to be shown for the crook he is in an organic way to end this nightmare.

Anonymous ID: 2ed1a1 May 5, 2018, 9:36 p.m. No.1315305   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Which atty's would that be? Working for Mueller or his victim's?




I strongly disagree. See→







If Potus fired Mueller, millions upon millions will always believe Potus was guilty. The best way for it to end is for Mueller to be outed as the crook he is. It's happening now. Coming weeks will show the whole operation was a continuation of a coup started ater the election.