Anonymous ID: 3cbd0f May 5, 2018, 9:31 p.m. No.1315261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5298 >>5311



>A theory for what is on pallets… Adrenochrome, a major topic [CLOWN SHOW] of discussion at voat/pizzagate.


As a neuropsychopharmacologist-fag, I MUST say this "Adrenochrome" DELUSION has to BE the MOST idiotic URBAN LEGEND I have ever HEARD OF.


More likely, its SIMPLY A CLOWN PSYOP designed to distract anons off the road of TRUTH and down a road to NO where ultimately making YOU look like complete conspiracy RETARDS!


While there is plenty of evidence for pizzagate, pedophillia, and human trafficking WW, to suggest that it all revolves around "oxidized adrenaline" just has NO basis in reality.


If they wanted adrenochrome, they could just BUY it by the KILO from a chem lab in China or even make it in their kitchen using plain adrenaline undergoing basic oxidation produces outlined in numerous patents.


IF THE DEEP STATE ELITE SEEK TO HAVE "psychotic reactions such as thought disorder, derealization, and euphoria" THERE ARE LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF DRUGS they could just buy which are far more potent, stable and DO NOT require sacrificing kids.


THEY could start with LSD, DMT, shrooms, but if they want to see "demons" and experience dysphoria along with unpredictable adverse side effects (including death) then they could go with Datura based alkaloids, like scopolamine. If they wanted an adrenaline rush, then IV cocaine or the smoked base (crack).


JFK and other VIPs used a cocktail which included methamphetamine and now a days MDMA (molly) and related compounds are readily available WW.


Even IF they wanted the rarest of all SOMA drugs, the holy grail, the drug that the movie "limitless" was loosely based on, then they could DO what the Harvard ELITEs do and hire a private chemist to make up a batch of 4-methylaminorex (u4euh).