Anonymous ID: 9f9f42 May 5, 2018, 9:12 p.m. No.1315095   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jews are under the most intense brainwashing of all of us. They get fed they are superior and fed that everyone hates them. They are fed they didnt do nuffin. It is insane. They treat both things in their brain as if true. Jumping from one reality to the other never putting the pieces together. That their leaders are moving them around like chess pieces not really interested in the Jews as a part of humanity. But only interested in making sure the Jews remain clannish in the extreme so that the elders have access to them as a tool. It is that simple. They discourage breeding with others…so that the offspring will not develop conflicted loyality. If Jews breed to much with normal humans they might be more loyal to the humans. And this is the ultimate sin. They must not do this. Because the tool of the Jew must always remain there for the Luciferians to use. Jews are the first puppets of the Luciferians. And as such they get to live high on the hog because they are trusted to do the real dirty work.


Its all a game.

Anonymous ID: 9f9f42 May 5, 2018, 9:22 p.m. No.1315173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5232 >>5244


The God of the Jews is Lucifer. Just remember what that God is supposed to have done and what it liked. It liked when Moses killed tens of thousands innocents because one Jew was fucking a non Jew. The Jew God seemed happy when the Jews would take towns and kill every living thing in it. Sometimes only keeping the young women for sex slaves. WAKE UP this is not the God of creation.


They are dealing with the Devil. And always have.