Anonymous ID: d7cec7 May 5, 2018, 8:30 p.m. No.1314709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4772 >>4898


>The reason these people don't just buy adrenochrome is that they get pleasure out of causing someone suffering, seeing them suffer. The wires in these people's heads have bad circuitry, the humanity circuitry either never existed or got fried.

I think it has something to do with: These human bodies are being inhabited by demons (or at least, the demons are sort of attached to the human's soul, tagging along for the ride) and the only way they can nourish themselves is by consuming loosh. Having turned their back on God, they are no longer eligible to receive nourishment from the divine source.

Anonymous ID: d7cec7 May 5, 2018, 9:10 p.m. No.1315073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5104 >>5236


It's one reason Trump wants to send the military there. Why else would you send the military to Mars instead of civilian astronauts?


Once the 'JUSTICE' phase is over, it'll be time for the BREAKTHROUGH TECH phase of MAGA. That will include making public some of the space propulsion systems that have been developed from the 50s till now.


When the military goes to Mars, it will take them under a week to get there.

Anonymous ID: d7cec7 May 5, 2018, 9:22 p.m. No.1315177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5216 >>5238 >>5334


Your pic raises a thorny but important issue that we will eventually have to deal with in MAGA.


And that is to what extent the nation needs to cleanse itself of satanic symbols and imagery in its national monuments (Luciferian 'Statue of Liberty' etc.), urban planning (pentagons/pentagrams in DC, Chicago and elsewhere), and national/state flags (tribe of Dan references, pentagrams…).


We may find that so many of these things were inside jokes foisted upon us by the satanic elite. Now, we have too much situational awareness to be laughed at any longer. Part of the way to show that will probably involve removing/changing certain monuments, flags, and urban planning designs.

Anonymous ID: d7cec7 May 5, 2018, 9:38 p.m. No.1315320   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When I started digging 15 years ago, I took the (rather common) opinion that the symbols can mean anything a particular user or viewer of those symbols wants.


In the past few years I have come to the opinion that the symbols do in fact have meaning in and of themselves and are beneficial or harmful regardless of


a) whether the user/viewer understands them; and


b) what subjective menaing, if any, the user/viewer might impart to them.


The pentagram, in particular, is a dangerous symbol to have on a flag because it represents the 'piercing of the veil' which allows demons to enter 3D physical reality. It's why the occultists use it when they summon/conjure demons.


I know it will piss off people to hear this, but it's the truth (and I resisted this truth for many years before accepting it), but when we salute or adore a pentagram (think of the flags with pentagrams, which we are taught to foolishly think of as stars, which are of course spheres; or think of the pentagram atop a Christmas tree), we are giving human emotional energy to effect a piercing of the veil which allows demons to inhabit a space.


Think of the pentagram in DC's urban planning, or the one in NYC at 666 Fifth Avenue. All places where they are conjuring demons through pentagrams.


I love the USA and I respect everyone who has died or suffered for the flag. I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings in critiquing the flag's composition. But the fact is, the satanists have duped us into giving power to Satan every time we salute the flag. And they are laughing their asses off at us.


Surely, we can find some color scheme or symbolism that better represents our values.