Anonymous ID: 852cf7 May 5, 2018, 10:19 p.m. No.1315653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5731


>I don't know how much harder evidence that you need.


We both agree there is evidence that sick fucks kill kids and drink their blood, but YOU provided zero evidence it had anything to do with adrenochrone. In fact, there is a higher probability that you injected yourself with adrenochrome tonight and your poor thinking is due to its associated neurotoxicity than the elites extracting and purifying it from dead kids got themselves. Of all the tons of narcotic seized every year by DEA and not one report of finding adrenochrome in a drug sting op. Think about that tomorrow once the adrenochrome wares off. LOL

Anonymous ID: 852cf7 May 5, 2018, 10:49 p.m. No.1315848   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The only way that adrenochrome plays into this is that some of them noticed an extra kick when they tortured their victims before slashing them and drinking their blood.


Ok But again, no evidence that it’s adrenochrome. Could be any number of endogenous inebrants. For example, GHB is produced in large amounts at death as well as DMT.


The risk with picking one compound to hinge everything on can result in making the scientific fallacy known as the “tomato effect” There is a famous paper on the subject with numerous examples though I don’t remember the one about the tomato.


I can give you my own example which involves the early use of Lithia mineral water to treat gout. Doctors observed a therapeutic effect and hypothesized that lithium carbonate in the mineral water combined with uric acid crystals in the gout ridden patient forming a salt of lithium urate which could then be excreted. A logical hypothesis based on rational observation and probable chemical mechanism. But then a chemist studied the solubility of lithium urate in solution and in blood and showed that it’s solubility was too poor to viable mechanism of therapeutic action. Because the therapeutic effect was so intertwined with the accepted mechanism of action, when the chemical experiments undermined the hypothesis of action, the entire clinical observation was also discarded as quackery.


In similar fashion, the MSM will run with this stupid adrenochrome theory, then have a rational expert show how ridiculous such a conspiracy theory is and the whole kid trafficking phenomenon will be hailed as debunked just like pizzagate. Don’t give them that pleasure by being a retard.