Anonymous ID: dd6bcd May 5, 2018, 9:53 p.m. No.1315434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5459 >>5616 >>5629 >>5666 >>5846 >>5973

Hey all, thought this may be of interest. Q, is someone waging war against us via common LED screens found in our smartphones, laptops and computer screens? How do I bold specific sections of text?


There is already plenty of scientific evidence that LED light has real physiological effect on people. Apparently LED screens can affect us far more than i originally suspected. Especially those who are on the autism spectrum, ie 99% of anons on the chans.


This 2011 (unpeer-reviewed?) article, Exploring flicker in Solid‐State Lighting: What you might find, and how to deal with it discusses it further, showing the different sorts of flickering that occurs from different types of light sources, plus a brief summary (with references) of some of the health effects flickering can cause, including this excerpted list:

  • Headaches and eyestrain

  • Neurological problems including photosensitive epilepsy

  • Reductions in visual performance

  • Distraction

  • Disruptive behaviors in individuals with autism

>- Disruptive behaviors in individuals with autism

>- Disruptive behaviors in individuals with autism


This paper introduces power electronic designers for LED lighting to health concerns relating to flicker, demonstrates that existing technologies in LED lighting sometimes provide flicker at frequencies that may induce biological human response, and discusses a few methods to consider when trying to mitigate unintentional biological effects of LED lighting.

The physiological pathway is that all humans are sensitive to flickering light - the range of sensitivity in both frequency and intensity varies by individual. At normal mains frequencies (50 or 60Hz) the vast majority of the population is insensitive but some people are.


A huge mega thread regarding this topic

Anonymous ID: dd6bcd May 5, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.1315690   🗄️.is 🔗kun


kek, thanks bro


Back to the overall topic, this is why we should bring back as much manufacturing back to USA from China as possible. Chinese quality control is laughable, I don't even know if the wooden cooking utensils that I bought from Walmart have special Chinese toxic chemical mixed in with wood. Who is going to check? The Chinese FDA?! Hahaha, yea right.


Same goes for all technology that we use on a daily basis. Why the hell are we trusting the health of our eyes and our bodies to Chinese manufacturing standards and quality control procedures? Bring back to USA all technology that one way or another has direct effect on human health.


Everything, even cooking utensils and mouse pads.

Anonymous ID: dd6bcd May 5, 2018, 10:26 p.m. No.1315707   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I got canned from a job for storming into Personnel, showing them proof (Harvard Study) of the blue led light issue. Didn't get canned over night but was a target of their desire from that point.


Sorry to hear that. Where I'm at, all high op personnel have access to Dell Ultrasharps. Ultrasharps screens in general kick ass and are really easy on the eyes. Dell U2415 is fantastic for its price point and capabilities.

Anonymous ID: dd6bcd May 5, 2018, 10:28 p.m. No.1315725   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Possibly the stupidest move you an ever make at any job anywhere.

>BTW, avoid HR even if you aren't "storming" in.

>HR exists to protect the company and its management from employees that can hurt them …. lawsuits, complaints, EEOC shit.


Also this. HR does stand for Human Relations but their 100% focus is on protecting the company and minimizing all possible personnel cost to the company. So HR is obligated to take the companys side over you because well, that is their job.


HR is not on your side and never will be unless you happen to be really high up in the company and they need to suck your asshole farts.