MR. DOWNING: So our position is that to the
extent that Mr. Rosenstein exceeded his authority to
appoint a special counsel, the special counsel does not
have the authority of a U.S. Attorney.
THE COURT: Thank you.
MR. DOWNING: Thank you.
THE COURT: All right. I'll take the matter
under advisement.
Did you wish to respond to this last point?
MR. DREEBEN: No thank you, Your Honor,
unless you have any questions.
THE COURT: Good choice on your part.
I must tell you that I'm exercising
uncharacteristic restraint on my part not to require
you to tell me about those things, but I think I have
an adequate record now. You're going to let me know in
two weeks the rest of this letter.
I'm going to be interested if CIPA really is
invoked. That creates a whole new regime for the
treatment of discovery and so forth, as you all well
Thank you for your arguments. They were
entertaining. I think I found the right adjective.
Thank you.