To take revenge on the invaders for the hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by foreign invaders in European lands throughout history. Those who are not ethnically and culturally European. The idea that a Frenchmen need not speak the language, share the culture, believe in the same god or even more importantly be ethnically French is ludicrous in the extreme. In this time period a series of events broke down my own reserves, my reservations, my cynicism and revealed the truth of the Wests current situation. And what can we do to stop it? You may stumble. Ethnic autonomy for all peoples with a focus on the preservation of nature, and the natural order. A. Compliments will get you no where. We must be intrinsically leveraged into the political, militaristic, judicial, educational and economic institutions, and within 25 years. Merkel, the mother of all things anti-white and anti-germanic, is top of the list. So no, I don ’ t believe so.
Yes, that is the plan all along, you said you would fight to protect your rights and the constitution, well soon will come the time. Look to the heart of the conflict, march yourself there, press yourself into service. But they will not occupy our soil. But I believe it is a partisan action against an occupying force. Ebba death at the hands of the invaders, the indignity of her violent demise and my inability to stop it broke through my own jaded cynicism like a sledgehammer. CHEAP LABOUR AND ALL CONSUMING INDUSTRY ARE NOT IDEALS, BLOCK FOREIGN GOODS FROM WHITE MARKETS Break the back of cheap labour Make no mistake, the major impetus for the mass importation of non-Europeans into Europe is the call and want for cheap labour.