You burn the nest and kill the vipers, no matter their age. Everything else is just a catchphrase. You will be infamous until victory is achieved. For too long we have allowed the left to co-opt the environmentalist movement to serve their own needs. These I hate. Dear god no. Did you carry out the attack for fame? Ebba death at the hands of the invaders, the indignity of her violent demise and my inability to stop it broke through my own jaded cynicism like a sledgehammer. No one is inspired by Jeb Bush. Memes have done more for the ethno-nationalist movement than any manifesto. You will be infamous until victory is achieved.
Do you consider it a terrorist attack? CHEAP LABOUR AND ALL CONSUMING INDUSTRY ARE NOT IDEALS, BLOCK FOREIGN GOODS FROM WHITE MARKETS Break the back of cheap labour Make no mistake, the major impetus for the mass importation of non-Europeans into Europe is the call and want for cheap labour. I blame both, and plan to deal with both. Nothing is conserved. Depending on the definition, sure. Where they are removed to is not our concern, or responsibility.
>But the aftershock from my actions will ripple for years to come, driving political and social discourse, creating the atmosphere or fear and change that is required.