Anonymous ID: 9b13cf March 6, 2021, midnight No.13156904   🗄️.is 🔗kun

no, just a partisan. the survival of our people, our culture and our lands isn ’ t enough. but kill sixty unarmed invaders having shown the will and the intent to bring harm to your nation and people, and you will be considered a monster, dragged through the streets, ridiculed, attacked, your character assassinated in every way it can be and finally tried in court and imprisoned for the rest of your life. let them earn our wealthy benefactors their second yachts and their fifth properties! soon the replacement of the whites within texas will hit its apogee and with the non-white political and social control of texas; and with this control, the electoral college will be heavily stacked in favor of a democratic victory so that every electoral cycle will be a certainty. that is a very broad category of people, and the definition is fuzzy at best. i will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. but i believe it is a partisan action against an occupying force. these ngo ’ s are the modern money changers inside the church, and must be driven out, by voice or by whip. this pakistani muslim invader now sits as representative for the people of london. the going will be tough and many of us will die.


the natural environment? western culture? yes, that is the plan all along, you said you would fight to protect your rights and the constitution, well soon will come the time. they all turn on each other in the end. these writing, and their coverage, are just a bonus. ebba was partially deaf, unable to hear the attacker coming. but the only way to get to the final destination, total victory, is to get up and keep marching forward.

Anonymous ID: 9b13cf March 6, 2021, 12:01 a.m. No.13156914   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the idea that a frenchmen need not speak the language, share the culture, believe in the same god or even more importantly be ethnically french is ludicrous in the extreme. everywhere i travelled, barring a few small exceptions, i was treated wonderfully, often as a guest and even as a friend. answering possible questions general who are you? who would willing leave their own strong, dominant and rising culture to join an elderly, decaying, degenerate culture? the global and corporate run press controls them, the education system (long since fallen to the long march through the institutions carried out by the marxists) controls them, the state (long since heavily lost to its corporate backers) controls them and the anti-white media machine controls them. we must ensure the existence of our people, and a future for white children. finally, to create conflict between the two ideologies within the united states on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural, political and racial divide within the united states.this conflict over the 2 nd amendment and the attempted removal of firearms rights will ultimately result in a civil war that will eventually balkanize the us along political, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines. they would not be ignored. the best time for attack was yesterday, the second best time is now the birthrates must eventually be addressed, at all costs even if all invaders are deported tomorrow and all traitors are dealt with as they truly deserve, we are still living on borrowed time. broken families with soaring divorce rates, that ’ s if they even bother to get married at all.suicide rates climbing year by year, not just for adults, by even teens and children as well and the only time people seem to even notice is when one of their own idols commits the act (singers, sports stars, actors). until the hagia sophia is free of the minarets, the men of europe are men in name only the rape of european women invaders many of you may already know about the rape of british women by the invading forces, rotherham of course being the most well known case.


men of the west must be men once more. the attackers in the plane that crashed into the field on the same day? yes, and it seems we immigrants seem to bring a whole host of issues. that means those that can, or have the ability should look to ingrain themselves into these institutions and climb as far up the power hierarchy as possible, in the shortest time possible. though wise men at their end know dark is right, because their words had forked no lightning they do not go gentle into that good night. you will be infamous until victory is achieved.

>to most of all show the invaders that our lands will never be their lands, our homelands are our own and that, as long as a white man still lives, they will never conquer our lands and they will never replace our people.

Anonymous ID: 9b13cf March 6, 2021, 12:01 a.m. No.13156930   🗄️.is 🔗kun

fortnite trained me to be a killer and to floss on the corpses of my enemies. were/are you “ right wing ”? did you intend to survive the attack? there is no one person equal to any other, not identical twins, not countrymen, not workers within a class group and certainly not those of differing races. a gradual change is never going to achieve victory. it was not preached to the crowd, it was not taught by the state. don ’ t believe me, can anymore tell you the motivation of the madrid train bomber attackers? just do not allow your scepticism to turn to paranoia and keep you from supporting those that want the best for you. everything else is just a catchphrase. the attack was planned to allow enough time to train, form a plan, settle my affairs, write down my views, then enact the attack. overcome us?


is there a particular person that radicalized you the most? continued immigration into europe is environmental warfare and ultimately destructive to nature itself. i could no longer bring the sneer to my face, i could no longer turn my back on the violence. you wait for a signal, while your people wait for you it is never wise to become a minority group. i could have chosen any weapons or means.a tatp filled rental van. a muslim man or woman choosing to invade our lands live on our soil and replace our people?

>focusing on increasing the population of whites, or trying to gain economic wealth or military might, whilst already having met the requirement of numbers, wealth and military force needed is simply a stalling tactic, spoken and put forth by men too cowardly to do what is required.

Anonymous ID: 9b13cf March 6, 2021, 12:01 a.m. No.13156947   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the final push was witnessing the state of french cities and towns. but it is there our future will be made and it is there the battle for our peoples future will be fought. take from my views that which works, discard that which does not.victory is all that matters. were there other targets planned in your attack? all so they need not carry any personal risk or struggle themselves. they are also one of the strongest groups, with high fertility, high in group preference and a will to conquer. why did you target those people? the us is torn into many factions by its second amendment, along state, social, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines. to take the fight to the invaders myself. did you commit the attack to receive media coverage and to propagate your own writings/beliefs/ideals? each nation and each ethnicity was melded by their own environment and if they are to be protected so must their own environments.


australia, just like the rest of the colonies of europe, is simply an off-shoot of the european people. yes, and it seems we immigrants seem to bring a whole host of issues. they must be willing and wishing to be a part of this new future we envision.we can not, and should not, rely on oppression to encourage the population to fit this new paradigm. were/are you a supporter of front national? was there a political figure or party in history you most associate yourself with? radicalization is the rational response to degeneration the failure of assimilation expecting immigrants to assimilate to a dying, decadent culture is laughable.

>in every country, on every continent, those that are in the minority are oppressed.

Anonymous ID: 9b13cf March 6, 2021, 12:01 a.m. No.13156963   🗄️.is 🔗kun

whilst we may use edgy humour and memes in the vanguard stage, and to attract a young audience, eventually we will need to show the reality of our thoughts and our more serious intents and wishes for the future. if they flee we will follow them, if they hide we will find them, if they try to shield themselves behind the state we will break through and reach them. for now we appeal to the anger and black comedic nature of the present, but eventually we will need to show the warmth and genuine love we have for our people. the weaker we become the more immigrants will refuse to join us, refuse to partake in the cultural suicide that we extol. to agitate the political enemies of my people into action, to cause them to overextend their own hand and experience the eventual and inevitable backlash as a result. a. compliments will get you no where. even at vienna in 1683 we europeans still lost over fourteen thousand good men. you are a bigot, racist, xenophobe, islamophobe, nazi, fascist! i could have chosen any weapons or means.a tatp filled rental van. to incite violence, retaliation and further divide between the european people and the invaders currently occupying european soil. the wikipedia entry of these events follows: https: // % e2 % 80 % 9316_new_year % 27s_eve _sexual_assaults_in_germany the true number of these events perpetrated across the western world is unknown and certainly under reported, as both the state, the media and the judicial system work in unison to hide these atrocities, in the fear that knowledge of these events would enrage the native people of the west and damage the perception of our new “ multicultural utopia ”.


without overwhelming effort and extreme risk, expect nothing. stop waiting for someone else to show you the way forward, you are the way forward, waiting around for someone to start the fight is moronic, because it is you that is going to start the fight, if you are reading this, you are the new leaders that will push our people to victory, you are the soldiers that will fight for the future of your race. without children, there is no future there is no democratic solution understand here and now, there is no democratic solution, any attempt to vote your way out of ethnic replacement will be met with at first with derision, then contempt and finally by force. the united states is in turmoil, more so that at any other time in history. the race of the elect suffers outrageous persecutions, and the impious race of the saracens respects neither the virgins of the lord nor the colleges of priests. prepare for war, prepare for violence and prepare for risk, loss, struggle, death.

>i am only wary of those cultures with higher fertility rates replacing others.

Anonymous ID: 9b13cf March 6, 2021, 12:01 a.m. No.13156981   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the survival of our people, our culture and our lands isn ’ t enough. the people who are to blame most are ourselves, european men. people from every walk of life, in every place of employment and field but disproportionately employed in military services and law enforcement. europe is only europe because of its combined genetic, cultural and linguistic heritage. how is this possible? were your beliefs influenced by any other attackers? sitting at home comfortable, relaxed, posting on the internet, watching football and waiting for victory to arrive at your feet, will win you nothing. yes, and it seems we immigrants seem to bring a whole host of issues. yes, that is the plan all along, you said you would fight to protect your rights and the constitution, well soon will come the time. were/are you a neo-nazi? let our lives be stronger than death to fight against the enemies of the christian people. ” ask yourself, what would pope urban ii do?


no matter if it takes 3 years or 30 years, these people must pay for their disgusting attacks upon our race. in time, the truth will be revealed. an environmentally conscious and moral society will never be able to economically compete with a society based on ever increasing industrialization, urbanization, industrial output and population increase. all i can guarantee is that inaction is sure defeat, power structures will be tested and likely will fall and most of all there is only the future ahead and attempting to march back to any earlier time will get you no where at all. did you carry out the attack for fame? when the time comes you must be ready to act.

Anonymous ID: 9b13cf March 6, 2021, 12:02 a.m. No.13157000   🗄️.is 🔗kun

were/are you a “ xenophobe ”? \ no, no culture scares me. why should others fight for you if you are not willing to fight for yourself? continued immigration into europe is environmental warfare and ultimately destructive to nature itself. these writing, and their coverage, are just a bonus. win first, write the story later. this isn ’ t an issue that is being faced solely by our own people, but many peoples across the world. why should others fight for you if you are not willing to fight for yourself? this isn ’ t an issue that is being faced solely by our own people, but many peoples across the world. goods produced without care for the natural world, dignity of workers, lasting culture or or white civilizations future should never be allowed into the new morally focused and ethically focused european market. eventually, when the white population of the usa realizes the truth of the situation, war will erupt. history is the history of power.


it is due to a lack of will. long before low fertility levels ever could.thus, before we deal with the fertility rates, we must deal with both the invaders within our lands and the invaders that seek to enter our lands. that isn ’ t a question. what is an australian but a drunk european? any invader you kill, of any age, is one less enemy your children will have to face. young, innocent and dead ebba.

>after all i am a private and mostly introverted person.

Anonymous ID: 9b13cf March 6, 2021, 12:24 a.m. No.13157243   🗄️.is 🔗kun

depending on the definition, sure. how they are removed is irrelevant, peacefully, forcefully, happily, violently or diplomatically. i had the will and i had the resources. more deserving of life? won ’ t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights from whites in the united states? no. where there is a will, there is a way. because you can not accept anything less. do not pay to have your people destroyed, do not line the pockets of the traitors within our ranks, don ’ t lend support to a corrupt and broken state. violence is power and violence is the reality of history.wake up. secondly an attack in new zealand would bring to attention the truth of the assault on our civilization, that no where in the world was safe, the invaders were in all of our lands, even in the remotest areas of the world and that there was no where left to go that was safe and free from mass immigration.


worker ownership of the means of production? was the attack “ xenophobic ” in orgin? ngos are traitor organizations if you lose history will write you as monsters, regardless of your first, write the narrative later. their loss was inevitable.i just accelerated things a bit. you will not find the truth anywhere else. the europe of the future is not one of concrete and steel, smog and wires but a place of forests, lakes, mountains and meadows.

>it ’ s the birthrates.

Anonymous ID: 9b13cf March 6, 2021, 12:25 a.m. No.13157263   🗄️.is 🔗kun

nah, not australian living in new zealand is much the same as an austrian living in bavaria. i will be forgotten quickly. victory can not wait, your people need you now! why won ’ t somebody do something? i am an ethno-nationalist eco-fascist. i don ’ t, but i may have some. we must be intrinsically leveraged into the political, militaristic, judicial, educational and economic institutions, and within 25 years. the end result is a nation in gridlock, unable to respond to any great change, unable to commit to any great projects. no, there isn ’ t a successful, influential grand movement established just yet, and no leading organizations, so there is no great structure created that could be brought to harm. all so that they could line their pockets without complaints or objections the nation? ngos are traitor organizations if you lose history will write you as monsters, regardless of your first, write the narrative later.


but they will not occupy our soil. do you consider yourself a leader? this open and often anonymous discussion allowed for information, outside of the states and the corporation control, to be accessed often for the first time. what part of diversity causes this increase in strength? there is no one person equal to any other, not identical twins, not countrymen, not workers within a class group and certainly not those of differing races. though wise men at their end know dark is right, because their words had forked no lightning they do not go gentle into that good night.

>a muslim man or woman choosing to invade our lands live on our soil and replace our people?

Anonymous ID: 9b13cf March 6, 2021, 12:35 a.m. No.13157989   🗄️.is 🔗kun

what makes you believe you are european, not just an australian? -altered version of “ the beginnings ” by rudyard kipling to conservatives ask yourself, truly, what has modern conservatism managed to conserve? for every french man or woman there was double the number of invaders. when i know, i will tell you. with these boosted numbers, and with our unified forces, complete control of the united states will be possible. no, but the next person to attack could be, so a healthy scepticism is a good thing. what better sign of the white rebirth than the removal of this invader? why not me? because they are the same issue, the environment is being destroyed by over population, we europeans are one of the groups that are not over populating the world. to christians “ the people worthy of glory, the people blessed by god our lord, moan and fall under the weight of these outrages and most shameful humiliations. no, i only wish i could have killed more invaders, and more traitors as well.


not a place where english is the defacto language but a place where every european language, belief and tradition is valued. we must inevitably correct the disaster of hedonistic, nihilistic individualism. did/do you personally hate foreigners/other cultures? i support many of those that take a stand against ethnic and cultural genocide.luca traini, anders breivik, dylan roof, anton lundin pettersson, darren osbourne etc. win first, write the story later. the unarmed invader is more dangerous that the armed the lightning march through the institutions while the lefts march through the institutions was long and ultimately successful we must achieve the same, but in a much shorter time period.

Anonymous ID: 9b13cf March 6, 2021, 12:36 a.m. No.13158014   🗄️.is 🔗kun

we must ensure the existence of our people, and a future for white children. the myth of the melting pot must end, and with it the myth of the egalitarian nation no taxes to anti-white states until our nations are run by men and women loyal to our cause taxation should be considered theft, and refusal to pay taxes a sign of racial loyalty. we must be intrinsically leveraged into the political, militaristic, judicial, educational and economic institutions, and within 25 years. their number uncountable, the representation of their loss unfathomable. the only people that seemingly do not face such issues are those with strong traditions, gender norms, societal norms; the poor and the religious, usually a combination of all. in the event of an engagement i had the somewhat quixotic notion of shouting down responding state enforcers, intimidating them into dropping their weapons and if that failed, only targeting non-vital areas of their body such as the anterior of the thigh, shoulder or a side-on through shot of the calf, hamstring or gluteal muscles so as to cause the least amount of harm as possible and to allow for a quick recovery. those that find themselves born linguistically in the minority suffer daily, as the conversation of life excludes them, the mass media isolates them and businesses turn them away, as does the societies speech itself. goodbye, god bless you all and i will see you in valhalla. young, innocent and dead ebba. they were attacks on my people, attacks on my culture, attacks on my faith and attacks on my soul. no, carrying out an attack for fame would be laughable.after all who can remember the name of the attackers in the september 11 attack in new york? how about the attack on the pentagon?


all in the hopes of a peaceful death? the myth of the melting pot must end, and with it the myth of the egalitarian nation no taxes to anti-white states until our nations are run by men and women loyal to our cause taxation should be considered theft, and refusal to pay taxes a sign of racial loyalty. why do you care so much about europe, aren ’ t you an australian? yes, predominantly an ethno-nationalist (i place importance on the health and well being of my race above all else). why were we allowing the invaders to conquer us? it ’ s the birthrates.

>2.answers to my people/supporters questions what are your views?

Anonymous ID: 9b13cf March 6, 2021, 12:36 a.m. No.13158044   🗄️.is 🔗kun

few parents, regardless of circumstance, will willing risk the lives of their children, no matter the economic incentives. mistakes will be made, losses will be had, some failures are certain and some endeavours will go bad. the gun owners of new zealand are a beaten, miserable bunch of baby boomers, who have long since given up the fight.when was the last time they won increased rights? the global and corporate ran press controls them, the education system (long since fallen to the long march through the institutions committed by the marxists) controls them, the state (long since heavily lost to its corporate backers) controls them and the anti-white media machine controls them. yes, predominantly an ethno-nationalist (i place importance on the health and well being of my race above all else). haplogroups, phenotypes and globalized testing. they slaved for a better future for their people, and now other peoples shake their fists and point their fingers, reprimanding us for living better lives, wealthier lives in wealthier countries. those that are ethnically and culturally european. children of invaders do not stay children, they become adults and reproduce, creating more invaders to replace your people.they grow up and vote against your peoples own wishes, for the interests of their own people and identity. were there other targets planned in your attack? more deserving of life?


yes, until i am either killed, released or enough time passes and the greater situation is an obvious defeat of our people.then i will commit suicide, happy in the knowledge i did my best to prevent the death of my race. secondly an attack in new zealand would bring to attention the truth of the assault on our civilization, that no where in the world was safe, the invaders were in all of our lands, even in the remotest areas of the world and that there was no where left to go that was safe and free from mass immigration. we must be intrinsically leveraged into the political, militaristic, judicial, educational and economic institutions, and within 25 years. victory can not wait, your people need you now! all i can guarantee is that inaction is sure defeat, power structures will be tested and likely will fall and most of all there is only the future ahead and attempting to march back to any earlier time will get you no where at all. all possibility of expression and belief was open to be taught, discussed and spoken.

>to survive with our culture, but to lose our lands, to lose our future, is a defeat.