Anonymous ID: 3e061e March 6, 2021, 12:40 a.m. No.13158189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8250 >>8331


>But, I am saying the vast majority of what you've been allowed to comprehend has been heavily limited.

They are not capable of comprehending. It's not about permission. It's ability. There are NPCs on both sides of this…good hearted NPCs and SJW who believe they're good hearted NPCs then flat out fucking evil NPCs.


You cannot change this. Accepting it is a MUST. I've zero doubt that the Q harassed the good hearted and spoke to them in a language they were capable of understanding. Pray…god wins etc.

In order to understand the enemy one must understand the nature of good and evil—and that is IMPOSSIBLE for NPCs. They are only capable of acting and responding to training and stimuli.

For example, if a person is born in Pakistan, chances are they will be a life-long Muslim. If a person is born into a fundi Christian family it IS likely they will remain so throughout their life…ups and downs…but basic programming intact. The ENEMY seeks to breakdown that programming and harnass the "power" of NPCs.


They've done that with their permission because once a person gets into the system, it's unlikely they will ever voluntarily leave. IE most people here send their kids to public school. SCHOOL is where the family deprogramming is happening. Religious or not….it doesn't matter. SCHOOL is where it's happening. First they needed to get women out of the home. By not creating an equity system for the stay at home parent (IE some form of retirement or divorce safety net) and getting BOTH parents out of the home they had full access to your kids. PERIOD.


That is the SOLE responsibility of parents. NO excuses. Everyone wants to blame the THEM….think MIRROR.

Same thing with the endless attacks on the "elite". Numbers wise there are (funny math for purpose of demonstration) 1 million evil elite on earth. TPTB the rule makers and breakers. There are BILLIONS of non-elite. BILLIONS. And yet we hand them our power we believe every fucking word out of every fucking grifters mouth, we sit at the dining room table at holidays keeping the peace and our mouths shut…knowing FULL WELL we're dining with evil.


WHOSE responsibility is that? WE have THEM beat by numbers, they have us beat by money.


IF they control you it is because YOU HANDED it TO THEM.


I read the comments. And I've been listening to "reddit" thread jewtube videso. In order to fix the medical system you must FIX your reliance on them. In order to FIX anything first you need to stop using it.

Reading comments on ANY hopium jewtube video makes me wonder why Q even tried. The ALien Cat Fucker has people hanging on his every word. What level of retard must one be to believe that a POTUS admin insider is giving information to a mentally insane man who believes he fucks a alien cat and has half breed kids? It's CLEAR watching him in the BBC special about him that he's INSANE. Smart insane like Gregory Hallet and Wayne Willott and Charlie Ward.


I was embarrassed to read these poor poor NPCs however good hearted posting about children being rescued from tunnels under the WH and Capitol…WTAF don't they think? NO, NPCs cannot think. They can ONLY respond. I'm like…right and Trump was opening the hatch and tossing them cookies every day.


Q was dealing with a LOT (99%) of good hearted but NPC humans and trying to get their attention and that happened brilliantly. I found out tonight that my posts on Quantum AI/Computing in my RV posts was being used by Charlie Ward.


INSANE. I was watching Cliff High who has HAD it….with this shit. HE called out Charlie Ward and the kitty fucker in particular. I did NOT write details on how quantum computing and AI assisted "time organization" works, it's beyond most of you so I used simple language and Charlie USED IT making a fucking FOOL of himself and his believers. Cliff High who is a master and computing and language called them out. His efforts to compute the timeline via language has been epic.


I got mad at "Q" because I felt they were using the GNPCs (good NPCs)….to their own ends. They understand the power of conscious thought and the power of COMBINED conscious thought and they were using it for good, but it felt wrong to me initially to use people in this way. It's better than being used for evil…I felt strongly that THEY shouldn't tell you that you were safe from harm when you were NOT..


There are things about to happen that you have no IDEA about. ALL the cautioning in the world isn't going to change your sleep. Explaining anything further is never going to help. Your records scratch right back into your program. Q knows that.


There is NO difference between you and them. NONE. BOTH of you firmly believe you're the right and good ones. BOTH sides are being used. Keeping you sleepy is beneficial. You'll stay calm right to the end.