the truth is that eventually people must face the fact that it wasn ’ t a damn thing to do with the economy.that it was the british people firing back at mass immigration, cultural displacement and globalism, and that ’ s a great and wonderful thing. i had little interest in education during my schooling, barely achieving a passing grade. why won ’ t somebody do something? the global and corporate run press controls them, the education system (long since fallen to the long march through the institutions carried out by the marxists) controls them, the state (long since heavily lost to its corporate backers) controls them and the anti-white media machine controls them. the enemies of our children are being born in our lands right now, even as you read this. if you are released we will find you and kill you, if you are in prison we will reach you there, if you try to hide these rapist scum we will kill you as well. this attempted abolishment of rights by the left will result in a dramatic polarization of the people in the united states and eventually a fracturing of the us along cultural and racial lines. due to the threat of ethnic replacement and our own horribly low birth rates, we do not have 150 years or even 50 years to achieve positions of power. sir oswald mosley is the person from history closest to my own beliefs. minorities are never treated well, do not become one do not allow your enemies to grow unchecked when you discover a nest of vipers in your yard, do you spare the adolescents? we grow older, fewer, weaker and more fundamentally closer to true death the longer we allow our birthrates to remain so catastrophically low.
the united states is one of the most diverse nations on earth, and they are about an inch away from tearing each other to pieces. household flour, a method of dispersion and an ignition source.a ballpeen hammer and a wooden shield.gas, fire, vehicular attacks, plane attacks, any means were available. they must be willing and wishing to be a part of this new future we envision.we can not, and should not, rely on oppression to encourage the population to fit this new paradigm. the natural environment is industrialized, pulverized and commoditized. there is no single place in the west that is even close to reaching replacement level birthrates, let alone birthrates that indicate a level of vitality and vigour. why do you blame immigrants and not the capitalists?
>but despite this sub-replacement fertility rate, the population in the west is increasing, and rapidly.