Anonymous ID: 26df71 May 5, 2018, 11:48 p.m. No.1316191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6237 >>6327



The President's newest attorney Rudy Giuliani calls for 'regime change' in Iran while delivering speech at freedom convention in Washington for Persian dissidents.

Former New York City Mayor and President Donald Trump's newest attorney Rudy Giuliani on Saturday called for 'regime change' in Iran.


In a freewheeling discussion on US foreign policy at the Iran Freedom Convention for Democracy and Human Rights in Washington, Giuliani said in order to 'bring freedom to Iran' the country must remove supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei from power.


'Freedom for any oppressed people helps all of us,' added the 73-year-old former politician.

It's 'the only way to peace in the Middle East' and 'more important than an Israeli-Palestinian deal,' the former politician told reporters after the conference.


The 2018 Iran Freedom Convention for Democracy and Human Rights is an event meant to show support for Iranian citizens who oppose their government, according to CBS News.


Giuliani, who is not a government employee, also commented on the Iran nuclear deal, which the President has called 'insane,' 'ridiculous' and something that 'should have never, ever been made.'

'What do you think is going to happen to that agreement!' Giuliani said of the deal, before pretending to rip a piece of paper apart.


Known officially as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Trump has until May 12 to certify Iran's compliance with the accord or reimpose stifling sanctions on the Islamic Republic.


The deal was first signed between world powers and Iran in July 2015 during the administration of former President Barack Obama.


Giuliani also offered his thoughts on North Korea, which is currently holding three American hostages and is in deliberations with the US on its own nuclear program.


Reiterating a statement he made earlier this week, Giuliani said that there was a 'good chance' the captured US citizens would be released very soon, even though administration officials deny there are any updates on the matter…..



Anonymous ID: 26df71 May 5, 2018, 11:57 p.m. No.1316237   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Note- his intro song was Sinatra’s « My Way »



Anonymous ID: 26df71 May 6, 2018, 12:36 a.m. No.1316429   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Left-wing billionaire George Soros has backed a liberal defense lawyer's campaign to become San Diego's top prosecutor.


San Diego, CA – Billionaire George Soros has used his financial resources to influence yet another district attorney’s race, and is doling out cash to help an anti-law enforcement defense attorney become the next San Diego District Attorney.


The California Justice and Public Safety Political Action Committee purchased ads in support of deputy public defender Genevieve Jones-Wright, which began airing on Thursday, KGTV reported.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Soros Fund Management was listed as the PAC’s donor.


Jones-Wright claimed to be unaware of Soros’ contribution to her campaign against interim District Attorney Summer Stephan.


“I was not aware of the moneys that you speak of,” Jones-Wright told KGTV. “I still am not aware of it.”


Soros has a history of supporting liberal defense attorneys who run on platforms of not prosecuting people, and often funds controversial ads that attack the candidate he doesn’t favor.


Although the first ad in support of Jones-Wright presented more as an introduction for her campaign, Stephan’s campaign manager, Jason Roe, said he expects subsequent ads will be much more aggressive.


Soros has developed a “pattern of negative and dishonest ads,” Roe said, according to KGTV.


“It’s very difficult for us to keep up with the amount of spending that Mr. Soros will spend in San Diego trying to effect this election,” he added. “I expect that we will be outspent probably four to one.”


But Roe and Stephan said they also believed that voters wouldn’t tolerate manipulative tactics based on deceit.


“They will see through any outside influences,” Stephan told KGTV.


On Tuesday, Jones-Wright also sent a letter to the office of the Attorney General, alleging that Stephan’s campaign broke the law.


“She has violated the law numerous times by having uniformed police officers there, participating in politics, on behalf of her campaign,” Jones-Wright told KGTV.


Stephan’s campaign responded by unveiling a new website, Threat to San Diego, which highlighted Jones-Wright’s history of anti-justice agendas.


“We should be closing a prison a year in California,” Jones-Wright said during a candidate forum, according to the website. “By closing prisons, we will not have to incarcerate people.”


Soros' impact on prosecutor elections is already being felt throughout the country.


In Philadelphia, Soros’ deep pockets helped to tip the scales favor of Democrat Larry Krasner, a civil rights attorney who sued the Philadelphia Police Department 75 times, The New York Times reported.


Krasner ran on a platform of starving the criminal justice system and ending "mass incarceration."


He won despite twelve active Assistant District Attorneys in Philadelphia publishing an open letter condemning Larry Krasner as dangerous.


Soros dumped nearly $1 million into defense attorney Joe Gonzales’ successful bid as San Antonio’s top prosecutor, according to The Daily Signal.


Florida DA Aramis Ayala, who publically announced she would not pursue the death penalty against cop killers, also received a substantial sum from Soros during her campaign, the Orlando Sentinel reported.


The Threat to San Diego website also lists nearly a dozen other district attorney races involving Soros’ financial influence.



Anonymous ID: 26df71 May 6, 2018, 12:56 a.m. No.1316516   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday Iran had prepared plans to respond to any decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to end the nuclear agreement with Tehran and that the U.S. would regret such a decision.

We have plans to resist any decision by Trump on the nuclear accord," Rouhani said in a speech carried live by state television. "If America leaves the nuclear accord, this will entail historic remorse for it."

(Reporting by Dubai newsroom; Editing by Elaine Hardcastle)



Anonymous ID: 26df71 May 6, 2018, 1:06 a.m. No.1316551   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vatican -Plastic Hats


Swiss Guards: World's oldest standing army gets new headgear

By NICOLE WINFIELD, Associated Press | May 5, 2018

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The world's oldest standing army is getting some new headgear.


The Swiss Guards plan to replace their metal helmets with plastic PVC ones made with a 3-D printer, giving the pope's army cooler and more comfortable headgear when standing guard for hours at a time.

The Swiss Guards unveiled the helmet prototype before their annual swearing-in ceremony Sunday. Thirty-two new recruits — all of them single Swiss men under age 30 and upstanding Catholics — will join the small corps for a minimum two years by pledging to protect the pope and his successors.


The new helmets won't be donned Sunday since more formal helmets are used for the elaborate, pomp-filled swearing-in ceremony in the San Damaso courtyard of the Apostolic Palace.


But Swiss Guard spokesman Sgt. Urs Breitenmoser said the Guards hope to replace their existing metal helmets by next year if they can find sponsors to pay for the new ones, which cost around 880 euros ($957) apiece, half the cost of the old ones.


The Swiss Guards are famous for their billowy blue, red and yellow striped uniforms. According to a history on the Guards' website, the "Gala Uniform" as it is known, was designed by Commander Jules Repond in the early 1900s and is based on the colors of the Medici family.


It's only one of several outfits the guards wear. Those policing the Vatican's main entrances don far more sober navy uniforms topped with a snappy beret for their regular shifts.


The corps, which historians consider the oldest standing army in the world, was founded in 1506 by Pope Giulio II. Tradition has it that he was so impressed by the bravery of Swiss mercenaries that he asked them to defend the Vatican. Ever since, for more than 500 years, Switzerland has been supplying soldiers to the Vatican.


The May 6 date for the annual swearing-in ceremony commemorates the day in 1527 when 147 guardsmen died while protecting Pope Clement VII during the Sack of Rome.


The new helmets won't protect guardsmen against other such threats, however, since they're plastic and purely ceremonial. Breitenmoser said they would be used for papal Masses and state visits.

