Anonymous ID: d443ae May 5, 2018, 11:52 p.m. No.1316207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6227 >>6236


Page and Manafort were already part of a counter Intel op. Flynn was likely wrapped up in the same. The agents who interviewed Flynn were not cleared to know what was in those conversations.


DC has been playing dangerous games by prosecuting people who were carrying out classified operations. Make the people who are political threats do secret squirrel shit, then threaten them with lawsuits if they oppose you.


It begs the question… If I carry out a lawful order by the President and the duly appointed staff to play spy games… Who do I contact when those same people turn around and prosecute me for those spy games? This is a bit of a problem as, technically, revealing that there was anything classified is illegal. If saying "I was part of a classified operation" is illegal, then how do I get the judge or others to dig deeper?

Anonymous ID: d443ae May 6, 2018, 12:10 a.m. No.1316302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6690


Dragons as symbols are far older than the biblical references.


Dragons are symbols of power and authority. Most generally. In Asian cultures, they are particularly regarded for their wisdom and even benevolence.


The story of the Chinese Zodiac puts the Dragon into place, perfectly. When the Jade Emperor was holding a race to determine the order of the animals, the Dragon came in fourth. Curious as to how a fucking dragon could be beaten by a rat, the Dragon relayed that it was casually flying along in first before it went and made rain for a desperate village and then spared a rabbit from drowning in a river with its breath (the rabbit from the zodiac race, no less).


Effectively, God gave the Dragon a task - race to be first, and the Dragon was like "Fuck that, I'm going to go make rain and save the day. Oh, and I guess I did your race thing."


It is iconic of how those of us who are dragons (not sure about the Kanye variety) are. Compassionate, but obscenely arrogant, often to a fault. Control and dynasty are in our nature.


The west loves moral absolution. This thing is good, or this thing is bad. A lazy and quick solution to satisfying the tribal impulse to embrace or attack. The more complicated nuance of many old symbols is not whether they are good or bad, it is what they mean. Embedded within the symbolism of the dragon is both inspiration for great achievements and cautions about one's methods and manners.


But nuance implies thinking, not a market solution for identity and assailing.

Anonymous ID: d443ae May 6, 2018, 12:29 a.m. No.1316401   🗄️.is 🔗kun










When all of the conversation kicked up over Lilith, weeks back, I was reminded of the curious plot mechanic of Neon Genesis: Evangelion. It sounds kind of tripe until you watch the series "knowing what you know now", and it is awkwardly on point.


Although I think Adam was found at the North Pole in the series, it could easily be seen as a simple "no, totally nothing to do with the secret bases in Antarctica". - kind of like the N2 mine… Non-Nuclear… Yet is totally a nuke.

Anonymous ID: d443ae May 6, 2018, 1:20 a.m. No.1316587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6609


Future proves past.


I am sure we will find something in the news that this shipment pertains to. Perhaps it is not a recent photo. Perhaps it already was newsworthy. Perhaps it will become re-newsworthy.


Always hard to know. Although I imagine a few who lurk here know exactly what that shipment was and what it means that Q has a picture of it.