Anonymous ID: f16371 May 6, 2018, 2:26 a.m. No.1316761   🗄️.is 🔗kun



### For Twitter mirroring


### Another method for Twitter mirroring


# Twitter: Scrape / download a user's tweets on OS X

Isn't real pretty but it worked for me

Doesn't require a twitter API key

Scrapes twitter search instead

Most steps are performed in an OS X Terminal/shell

Requires basic shell experience


### Install homebrew


### Install jq

brew install jq


### Install TweetScraper


cd ~/Downloads/

git clone

cd TweetScraper/

pip install -r requirements.txt


### Run TweetScraper

Here, SaRaAshcraft, is an example twitter user name


scrapy crawl TweetScraper -a query="from:SaRaAshcraft"

cd Data/tweet/

find . -type f -print0 | while read -d $'\0' file; do jq 'select((.is_reply==false) and .is_retweet==false) | .text' $file ; done > ../saraashcraft-all.txt


### Open your new text file

Use any text editor to open your new saraashcraft-all.txt file


vim ../saraashcraft-all.txt