Anonymous ID: f50ff1 CbmDIDyTVeY March 6, 2021, 7:28 a.m. No.13162896   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Though I will have to disavow some of her beliefs, the extreme actions she calls for are too much, even for my tastes. The Great Replacement Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Drug use at all levels of society, in all age groups, any source of distraction or relief to escape a culture of nihilism. That means those that can, or have the ability should look to ingrain themselves into these institutions and climb as far up the power hierarchy as possible, in the shortest time possible. KILL ANGELA MERKEL, KILL ERDOGAN, KILL SADIQ KHAN The Paradox of the diverse equality The greatest joke of all is the quixotic foolishness of the diverse but equal society. I blame both, and plan to deal with both. In this tempest of conflict is where will be strike, a strong, unified, ethnically and culturally focused pro-white, pro-european group will be everything the average white family need and long for. Stop waiting for someone else to show you the way forward, YOU are the way forward, waiting around for someone to start the fight is moronic, because it is YOU that is going to start the fight, If you are reading this, you are the new leaders that will push our people to victory, you are the soldiers that will fight for the future of your race. Were/are you are “ racist ”? -Altered version of “ The Beginnings ” by Rudyard Kipling To Conservatives Ask yourself, truly, what has modern conservatism managed to conserve? Did you carry out the attack for fame?


Won ’ t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights in the New Zealand? In the United States, perhaps more than anywhere else in the world, the cult of the individual has been practiced for the longest time and with the deepest devotion. Any religious ideal that stood between the wealthy and wealth generation was downplayed, sidelined and quietly dismantled. Western culture is trivialized, pulped and blended into a smear of meaningless nothing, with the only tenets and beliefs seemingly held to are the myth of the individual, the value of work (productivity for the benefit of your capitalist owners) and the sovereignty of private property (to ensure none of us get grand ideas of taking the unearned wealth of our owners). Did you commit the attack to receive media coverage and to propagate your own writings/beliefs/ideals? The invaders are the ones over populating the world.

Anonymous ID: f50ff1 gYsTnffhYlU March 6, 2021, 7:28 a.m. No.13162930   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NO ONE WILL WILLFULLY JOIN THE DECAY Green nationalism is the only true nationalism There is no Conservatism without nature, there is no nationalism without environmentalism, the natural environment of our lands shaped us just as we shaped it. turn your back to your people? Mass immigration and the higher fertility rates of the immigrants themselves are causing this increase in population. VENERATE THE ANCESTORS BUT WORK FOR THE CHILDREN A soldiers fight The ideal of a heroic war, without loss, without failure, without some great setback, is idealistic and downright impossible. The economic elites who line their pockets with the profit received from our own ethnic replacement. Were/are you a nationalist? The United States is in turmoil, more so that at any other time in history. A nation that venerates its ancestors, but lives for its offspring. It will be distasteful, it will be damaging to the soul, but know that it is necessary and any invader you spare, no matter the age, will one day be an enemy your people must face. The Race? The United states is one of the most diverse nations on Earth, and they are about an inch away from tearing each other to pieces.


Do you consider it a terrorist attack? Make your plans, get training, form alliances, get equipped and then act. https: // _by_total_fertility_rate There is not a single Western country, not a single white nation, that reaches these levels. B. You are the voice, you are the klaxon call, you hold the first spear to be thrust at the invaders. Finally I would like to send a message to the perpetrators of these attacks, and their families.

Anonymous ID: f50ff1 NRBbZgjEGqc March 6, 2021, 7:29 a.m. No.13162965   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This open and often anonymous discussion allowed for information, outside of the states and the corporation control, to be accessed often for the first time. It depends on who those workers are, their intents, who currently owns the means of production, their intents and who currently owns the state, and its intents. Support them economically, donate to their cause, buy products from their people, volunteer your resources and labour. A political candidate that keeps the status quo or only seeks to introduce minimal change, even when the minimal change is in support of our cause, is ultimately useless or even damaging. For too long we have allowed the left to co-opt the environmentalist movement to serve their own needs. Why were we allowing these soldiers deaths to be in vain? Brought forth two competing ideologies (communism and fascism) to replace this loss of god, then proceeded to allow both sides to slaughter each other to a standstill and then let corporate backed capitalists tear the survivor to pieces. Drive them from your lands and give the traitors what traitors deserve: a traitors death. FLEE TO YOUR OWN LANDS, WHILE YOU STILL HAVE THE CHANCE Section II General Thoughts and Potential Strategies It will come in one way and one way alone, not through existing governments. Art and beauty subverted beyond all recognition, bauhaus travesties replacing nouveau wonders, soulless metropolitan architecture of glass and steel reflecting no society, no culture, no people and therefore belonging everywhere, and no where. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your littleclever'' comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.


Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. No, I simply do not care all that much what gay people do.As long as they are loyal to their people and place their peoples well being first, then I have no issues. Even at Vienna in 1683 we Europeans still lost over fourteen thousand good men. Drug use at all levels of society, in all age groups, any source of distraction or relief to escape a culture of nihilism. The attack was planned to allow enough time to train, form a plan, settle my affairs, write down my views, then enact the attack. How are they so strong, China set to be the worlds most dominant nation in this century, whilst lacking diversity?