Why did you carry out the attack? Who do you consider white? In the end human greed and the need for increasing profit margins of capital owners needs to be fought against and broken. Traitors deserve a traitors death. To directly reduce immigration rates to European lands by intimidating and physically removing the invaders themselves. Pedophile politicians, pedophile priests and pedophile pop stars, demonstrating to all the true depravity of our age. Not Yet! Be creative, be expressive, be emotional and above all be passionate. Giving your own earned wealth, which you received through your own labour, to a person or group that despises you, places laws into effect that disenfranchises your people and seeks to ethnically replace you is utterly foolish. You are the voice, you are the klaxon call, you hold the first spear to be thrust at the invaders. Not by the maneuvers of the lobbies and the parliaments and the congresses, it will come under the stress of necessity.
The race? Continued immigration into Europe is environmental warfare and ultimately destructive to nature itself. Was there a particular event or reason you decided to commit to a violent attack? Is it not preferable to die in war rather than suffer any longer so horrible a spectacle? Yes, that is the plan all along, you said you would fight to protect your rights and the constitution, well soon will come the time. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night.
>And above all they don ’ t even care if it does.