No, actual nazis do not exist.They haven ’ t been a political or social force anywhere in the world for more than 60 years. Refuse to pay taxes. Until these interlopers are repatriated to their peoples lands, then Europe has no true sovereignty, and anyone, no matter their ethnicity or beliefs can call Europe their own. Pedophile politicians, pedophile priests and pedophile pop stars, demonstrating to all the true depravity of our age. I want you in my sights. Brought forth two competing ideologies (communism and fascism) to replace this loss of god, then proceeded to allow both sides to slaughter each other to a standstill and then let corporate backed capitalists tear the survivor to pieces. To take revenge for the enslavement of millions of Europeans taken from their lands by the Islamic slavers. The only people that seemingly do not face such issues are those with strong traditions, gender norms, societal norms; the poor and the religious, usually a combination of all. These men would stall and delay any action indefinitely, until all necessary action has been undertaken by some other, more courageous man. That means those that can, or have the ability should look to ingrain themselves into these institutions and climb as far up the power hierarchy as possible, in the shortest time possible. How is this possible?
To avenge those European men and women lost in the constant and never ending wars of European history who died for their lands, died for their people only to have their lands given away to any foreign scum that bother to show up. They would not be ignored. Radical, explosive action is the only desired, and required, response to an attempted genocide. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. I had a regular childhood, without any great issues. Why did you choose to use firearms?
>Egalitarians and those that believe in heirachy will never come to terms.I don ’ t want you by my side or I don ’ t want share power.