Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 10:41 p.m. No.13177775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

White people are failing to reproduce, failing to create families, failing to have children. MINORITIES ARE NEVER TREATED WELL, DO NOT BECOME ONE Do not allow your enemies to grow unchecked When you discover a nest of vipers in your yard, do you spare the adolescents? This is ethnic replacement. This attempted abolishment of rights by the left will result in a dramatic polarization of the people in the United States and eventually a fracturing of the US along cultural and racial lines. These same children will one day become teens, then adults, voting against the wishes of our people, practicing the cultural and religious practices of the invaders, taking our peoples lands, work, houses and even attacking and killing our children. But it is no simple task.There are myriad reasons behind the decline in fertility rates and the destruction of the traditional family unit. Did they perceive us any differently after the attack than they did before? No, there isn ’ t a successful, influential grand movement established just yet, and no leading organizations, so there is no great structure created that could be brought to harm. They will threaten you with jail, they may even threaten you with direct force. Stability and comfort are the enemies of revolutionary change. Don ’ t run from the fight, run towards the fight.


Was the attack “ xenophobic ” in orgin? Both would seek to destroy our nation, both would seek to displace and replace our people, both would seek to destroy our culture and nationhood. It should come as no shock that European men, in every nation, and on every continent are turning to radical notions and methods to combat the social and moral decay of their nations and the continued ethnic replacement of their people. Ebba death at the hands of the invaders, the indignity of her violent demise and my inability to stop it broke through my own jaded cynicism like a sledgehammer. If they flee we will follow them, if they hide we will find them, if they try to shield themselves behind the state we will break through and reach them. Was the attack “ racist ” in origin?

אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

AaRrZOLyg <- Encodied Qmsg


Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 10:44 p.m. No.13177845   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This time can not be relied on for a beginning of the rebellion, only utilized as a final stage of energy and escalation to finalize our capture of power. A list of wikipedia entries from the most well known British rape cases follows: https: // dal https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // What many do not know is that these cases do not solely occur in Britain, but elsewhere in the Western world as well, as shown by these two well known cases in Australia: https: // https: // And even in Finland: https: // Just as shocking are the cases of open and public sexual assault and harassment performed by these invasive scum that appear to be occurring ever more frequently across the European world such as those in Germany in the New years eve sexual assaults in Cologne, Hamburg, Dortmund, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart and Bielefeld. When anyone can be a German, a Brit, a Frenchmen, then being European has truly lost all meaning Make no mistake, the erosion of local and national identity has no come about by accident, it is a concerted and targeted effort against the European people. Everything else is just a catchphrase. I will be forgotten quickly. Why not me? These leaders will be paragon examples of your people, virtuous, incorruptible, speaking truth to power and a truth that resonates with your very soul. Until these interlopers are repatriated to their peoples lands, then Europe has no true sovereignty, and anyone, no matter their ethnicity or beliefs can call Europe their own. Why did you choose New Zealand as a place to attack? Be creative, be expressive, be emotional and above all be passionate. When non-Europeans are considered Europe, than there is no Europe at all.


The Christchurch and Linwood mosques had far more invaders, in a more prominent and optically foreign building, with less students, more adults and a prior history of extremism. SEE YOU ON THE STREETS YOU ANTI-WHITE SCUM To turks You can live in peace in your own lands, and may no harm come to you. Enemies bound by faith, culture or tradition with higher levels of fertility, trust and in group preference resulting in much stronger communities. Suicidal, nihilistic and degenerate pop icons produced from a dead culture: Michael Jackson (pedophile, self hating, self mutilating, opiod addict); Madonna (degenerate, drug addict, childless, whore, anti-christian, pro miscegenation) Kurt Cobain (suicidal, drug addict, self hater, anti-social), Freddy Mercury (lifelong identity crisis, lifelong battle with hedonism and drug use, eventual death due to sexual hedonism) just to name a few.Empty nurseries, full casinos, empty churches and full mosques, entropy in blitzspeed.Politicians writ in the same ink as Eligabolus, worshiping all that is foreign, poisonous and subversive. Simple, white, wooden crosses stretching from the fields beside the roadway, seemingly without end, into the horizon. For how long did you plan this attack?

>I speak for my views and my ideals, and those that support me.Some may agree with them, others won ’ t.אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

ZYzfrPSco <- Encodied Qmsg


Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 10:47 p.m. No.13177941   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We do not have the luxury of time like the left had, we must be ready to act, and act soon. For too long we have allowed the left to co-opt the environmentalist movement to serve their own needs. Traitors deserve a traitors death. It was another terror attack in the seemingly never ending attacks that had been occurring on a regular basis throughout my adult life. No one can give an answer. Only for Muslims. VENERATE THE ANCESTORS BUT WORK FOR THE CHILDREN A soldiers fight The ideal of a heroic war, without loss, without failure, without some great setback, is idealistic and downright impossible. The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People ’ s Republic of China. But only one has the ability and only one has shown to be effective at doing so. Any religious ideal that stood between the wealthy and wealth generation was downplayed, sidelined and quietly dismantled. Yes.


The candidates were an obvious sign of our times: a globalist, capitalist, egalitarian, an ex-investment banker was no national beliefs other than the pursuit of profit versus a milquetoast, feckless, civic nationalist, an uncontroversial figure who ’ s most brave and inspired idea resolved to the possible deportation of illegal immigrants. 3.Answers to detractors and to those that oppose my beliefs/methods Won ’ t your attack do more harm than good? Art and beauty subverted beyond all recognition, bauhaus travesties replacing nouveau wonders, soulless metropolitan architecture of glass and steel reflecting no society, no culture, no people and therefore belonging everywhere, and no where. -Altered version of “ The Beginnings ” by Rudyard Kipling To Conservatives Ask yourself, truly, what has modern conservatism managed to conserve? Were/are you a neo-nazi? This should give us an indication of what may be truly at the heart of the issue.

>Lobby those in power to show your support, protest outside embassies of those nations that do not support the nation, and if need be attack them.אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

CjVQsaGPt <- Encodied Qmsg


Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 11 p.m. No.13178045   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We attack as soon as possible, we attack with force and we achieve stability and play defense as the boomers pass, not during their passing, not after. The wikipedia entry of these events follows: https: // % E2 % 80 % 9316_New_Year % 27s_Eve _sexual_assaults_in_Germany The true number of these events perpetrated across the Western world is unknown and certainly under reported, as both the state, the media and the judicial system work in unison to hide these atrocities, in the fear that knowledge of these events would enrage the native people of the West and damage the perception of our new “ Multicultural utopia ”. But once I arrived in France, I found the stories to not only be true, but profoundly understated. But when Europeans from all countries and continents move to back their brothers, they can not possibly attack any one group. We grow older, fewer, weaker and more fundamentally closer to true death the longer we allow our birthrates to remain so catastrophically low. Every day we become fewer in number, we grow older, we grow weaker. Who decided to take a stand to ensure a future for my people. The worth of your life is not measured by the length of your life, but your actions during it. How is this possible? That isn ’ t a question. The cities are the economic, judicial, political, ethnic and cultural battleground of our people and it is there we shall wage our war.


In the United States, perhaps more than anywhere else in the world, the cult of the individual has been practiced for the longest time and with the deepest devotion. Monotonous repetition of immigration facts and statistics will simply bore the masses, and drive the people away from the stale and uninspired speakers that propagate them. Diversity by its very definition belies equality. Democracy is the only solution, why are you committing to force? We must be intrinsically leveraged into the political, militaristic, judicial, educational and economic institutions, and within 25 years. We do not have the birth rates to fight them at their game, nor should we as it is ultimately destructive to nature and culture.So I took matters into my own hands.

>Born in Australia to a working class, low income family.אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

iBOeDFvrK <- Encodied Qmsg


Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 11:01 p.m. No.13178132   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democracy is mob rule and the mob itself is ruled by our own enemies. All else is dishonorable. A path focusing on nature and respect for the environment, traditions, families, workers rights and personal and racial responsibilities. To most of all show the invaders that our lands will never be their lands, our homelands are our own and that, as long as a white man still lives, they will NEVER conquer our lands and they will never replace our people. Was the attack “ islamophobic ” in origin? Why attack muslims if all high fertility immigrants are the issue? The issue is complicated, far more complicated and difficult to fix than the issue of Ethnic replacement. These I hate. I pulled my rental car over, and sat, staring at these crosses and contemplating how it was that despite these men and womens sacrifice, despite their bravery, we had still fallen so far.I broke into tears, sobbing alone in the car, staring at the crosses, at the forgotten dead. Yes, by definition, as I believe racial differences exist between peoples and they have a great impact on the way we shape our societies I also believe fertility rates are part of those racial differences and that the immigrants in our lands with high fertility must be forced out to ensure the existance of our race. Those who are not ethnically and culturally European.


The cities are the economic, judicial, political, ethnic and cultural battleground of our people and it is there we shall wage our war. The truth is that eventually people must face the fact that it wasn ’ t a damn thing to do with the economy.That it was the British people firing back at mass immigration, cultural displacement and globalism, and that ’ s a great and wonderful thing. Without overwhelming effort and extreme risk, expect nothing. I will let my actions speak for themselves. No, when I was young I was a communist, then an anarchist and finally a libertarian before coming to be an eco-fascist. More skilled and courageous?

>DIVERSITY IS UNEQUAL, HIERARCHIES ARE CERTAIN The present is a gift from those in our past Your ancestors did not sweat, bleed and die in the name of a multicultural, egalitarian nation.אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

OrJrzUgLj <- Encodied Qmsg


Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 11:02 p.m. No.13178258   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No, the attack was a end in itself, with all the necessary affect required. EXPECT A SOLDIERS FIGHT AND A SOLDIERS DEATH The Danger of the Invader If you were to kill sixty armed invaders having shown the will and the intent to bring harm to your nation and people, you would be hailed a hero, given your nations highest civilian honours, paraded before the media and the adoring public. This is racial replacement. Who do you support? To create an atmosphere of fear and change in which drastic, powerful and revolutionary action can occur. THERE IS NO TRADITIONALISM WITHOUT ENVIRONMENTALISM Kill High Profile Enemies There are well known enemies of our nations, enemies of our race that freely walk through our societies, heads held high, believing themselves untouchable. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. If they could die, so can you. The last virtues of a dying nation are tolerance and apathy, and I want none of it. Simple, white, wooden crosses stretching from the fields beside the roadway, seemingly without end, into the horizon. A gradual change is never going to achieve victory.


Did/do you have ties to any other partisans/freedom fighters/ethno soldiers? I support many of those that take a stand against ethnic and cultural genocide.Luca Traini, Anders Breivik, Dylan Roof, Anton Lundin Pettersson, Darren Osbourne etc. Why is it that what gives Western nations strength (diversity) is not what gives Eastern nations (China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea) their strength? Those that find themselves born linguistically in the minority suffer daily, as the conversation of life excludes them, the mass media isolates them and businesses turn them away, as does the societies speech itself. Did you carry out the attack for fame? We must ensure the existence of our people, and a future for white children.

>If you become a social, political or ethnic minority it will always lead to your oppression.אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

ClSmyYFpZ <- Encodied Qmsg


Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 11:02 p.m. No.13178274   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WHY DON ’ T I DO SOMETHING? In the end human greed and the need for increasing profit margins of capital owners needs to be fought against and broken. Give your everything to your people. Art and beauty subverted beyond all recognition, bauhaus travesties replacing nouveau wonders, soulless metropolitan architecture of glass and steel reflecting no society, no culture, no people and therefore belonging everywhere, and no where. Stability and comfort are the enemies of revolutionary change. Why were we allowing these soldiers deaths to be in vain? Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though I did contact the reborn Knights Templar for a blessing in support of the attack, which was given. Perhaps you could tap out, lay down, lick the boots of your occupiers and pray they will let you be comfortable, if only for a little while. If we wait until the majority of the boomers begin to pass (between 2028-2038 depending on individual nations and life expectancies) than it will be too little, too late. The people of the countrysides are already traditional, already close to nature, already supportive of their people.


Was the attack “ racist ” in origin? Lead and your people will follow. THE BEST TIME FOR ATTACK WAS YESTERDAY, THE SECOND BEST TIME IS NOW The birthrates must eventually be addressed, at all costs Even if all invaders are deported tomorrow and all traitors are dealt with as they truly deserve, we are still living on borrowed time. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate. THE BEST TIME FOR ATTACK WAS YESTERDAY, THE SECOND BEST TIME IS NOW The birthrates must eventually be addressed, at all costs Even if all invaders are deported tomorrow and all traitors are dealt with as they truly deserve, we are still living on borrowed time. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud.

>I have read the writings of Dylan Roof and many others, but only really took true inspiration from Knight Justiciar Breivik.אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

sjcxGZkak <- Encodied Qmsg


Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 11:02 p.m. No.13178295   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What are your wishes? This stripping of wealth and prosperity in order to feed and develop our cultural competitors is an act of civilization terrorism resulting in the reduction in development and living conditions of our own people for the benefit of those that hate us. No one person in particular, I support many groups but I am a member of none. The wikipedia entry of these events follows: https: // % E2 % 80 % 9316_New_Year % 27s_Eve _sexual_assaults_in_Germany The true number of these events perpetrated across the Western world is unknown and certainly under reported, as both the state, the media and the judicial system work in unison to hide these atrocities, in the fear that knowledge of these events would enrage the native people of the West and damage the perception of our new “ Multicultural utopia ”. If a an individual is in ownership or control of a corporation or business, and advocates or even accepts the mass importation of non-whites to replace the native European populations, then that traitor must be destroyed. Did/do you personally hate foreigners/other cultures? This isn ’ t an issue that is being faced solely by our own people, but many peoples across the world. Was the attack “ islamophobic ” in origin? Those who are not ethnically and culturally European. Soon the replacement of the whites within Texas will hit its apogee and with the non-white political and social control of Texas; and with this control, the electoral college will be heavily stacked in favor of a democratic victory so that every electoral cycle will be a certainty. If convicted, do you expect to stay in prison?


Islamic nations in particular have high birth rates, regardless of race or ethnicity, and in this there was an anti-islamic motivation to the attacks, as well as a want for revenge against islam for the 1300 years of war and devastation that it has brought upon the people of the West and other peoples of the world. I had little interest in education during my schooling, barely achieving a passing grade. This wealth and prosperity was paid for in the sweat and blood of your ancestors. Striking quickly and then exfiltrating from the area of attack was the plan, to avoid the responders of the state and to avoid a situation where I was forced to harm them. Prepare for war, prepare for violence and prepare for risk, loss, struggle, death. This eradication of their people, their culture, their very soul.

אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

vHwrUJyAC <- Encodied Qmsg


Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 11:04 p.m. No.13178509   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Children of invaders do not stay children, they become adults and reproduce, creating more invaders to replace your people.They grow up and vote against your peoples own wishes, for the interests of their own people and identity. YOU WAIT FOR A SIGNAL, WHILE YOUR PEOPLE WAIT FOR YOU It is never wise to become a minority group. It will be distasteful, it will be damaging to the soul, but know that it is necessary and any invader you spare, no matter the age, will one day be an enemy your people must face. No. Who do you consider white? No two different things can ever truly be equal, especially humans. The survival of our people, our culture and our lands isn ’ t enough. WHY WON ’ T SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING? What nations do we have to conserve? WHY WON ’ T SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING? The Race?


What makes you believe you can speak for a group? No. If they are not of our people, but live in our lands, they must be removed. Giving your own earned wealth, which you received through your own labour, to a person or group that despises you, places laws into effect that disenfranchises your people and seeks to ethnically replace you is utterly foolish. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. I could no longer ignore the attacks.

אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

BmevxpSxJ <- Encodied Qmsg


Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 11:04 p.m. No.13178555   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After an election cycle or two with certain Democratic victory, those remaining, non democratic voting, non brainwashed whites will see the future clear before them, and with this knowledge realize the impossibility of a diplomatic or political victory. The going will be tough and many of us will die. But when Europeans from all countries and continents move to back their brothers, they can not possibly attack any one group. But they will not occupy our soil. If you survived, did you intend to go to trial? This rapid change in demography will bring about a time of crisis, as the reality of our possible ethnic replacement becomes obvious to all, even the naysayers. The weaker we become the more immigrants will refuse to join us, refuse to partake in the cultural suicide that we extol. I speak for my views and my ideals, and those that support me.Some may agree with them, others won ’ t. We can fight the armed invader, we know how, we have the ability, we have the soldiers and arms to do so. With enough pressure the left wing within the United states will seek to abolish the second amendment, and the right wing within the US will see this as an attack on their very freedom and liberty. No.No group ordered my attack, I make the decision myself.


Their voices were even and low, Their eyes were level and straight. You can not expect others do take the risks for you, nor should you wish for others to labour for you, if you are unwilling. Did the groups you support/are aligned with order or promote your attack? To return to replacement fertility levels is priority number one. By the definition, then yes. In my mind a rainbow is only beautiful to due its variety of colours, mix the colours together and you destroy them all and they are gone forever and the end result is far from anything beautiful.

אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

PEIjdYZGo <- Encodied Qmsg


Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 11:05 p.m. No.13178795   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anything else is a defeat. Why not me? Was there any reason you attacked that (those) mosque (s) in particular? Why is that their non diverse nations do so much better than our own, and on so many different metrics? Was there any reason you attacked that (those) mosque (s) in particular? Lead and your people will follow. No matter if it takes 3 years or 30 years, these people must pay for their disgusting attacks upon our race. There is not a single place left where the tendrils of replacement migration have not touched. Yes, the person that has influenced me above all was Candace Owens. Where there is a will, there is a way. Did they perceive us any differently after the attack than they did before?


Not by the maneuvers of the lobbies and the parliaments and the congresses, it will come under the stress of necessity. Something, this time, was different. Nor should you, why should you have peace when your other brothers in Europe face certain war? Yes, I dislike them. You are the voice, you are the klaxon call, you hold the first spear to be thrust at the invaders. They decry weakness, mock fecklessness and worship strength, and in this worship of strength they radicalize and find the solution.

>It was another terror attack in the seemingly never ending attacks that had been occurring on a regular basis throughout my adult life.אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

oSSkxhWsr <- Encodied Qmsg


Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 11:06 p.m. No.13178858   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When anyone can be a German, a Brit, a Frenchmen, then being European has truly lost all meaning Make no mistake, the erosion of local and national identity has no come about by accident, it is a concerted and targeted effort against the European people. Giving your own earned wealth, which you received through your own labour, to a person or group that despises you, places laws into effect that disenfranchises your people and seeks to ethnically replace you is utterly foolish. But do not pay taxes to anti-whites. Are you a Fed/shill/mossad agent/false flag/patsy/infiltrator/antifa/glow in the dark etc? Why focus on immigration and birth rates when climate change is such a huge issue? Brazil with all its racial diversity is completely fractured as a nation, where people can not get along and separate and self segregate whenever possible. In the Western world this is roughly 2.06 births per woman. Crush these traitor NGOs, kill their leadership, burn down their buildings, bomb their ships, tear down their posters and destroy their membership. The only muslim I truly hate is the convert, those from our own people that turn their backs on their heritage, turn their backs on their cultures, turn their back on their traditions and became blood traitors to their own race. Were/are you a neo-nazi? If we want to radically and fundamentally change society, then we need to radicalize society as much as possible.


It was another terror attack in the seemingly never ending attacks that had been occurring on a regular basis throughout my adult life. Were/are you “ right wing ”? Brought forth two competing ideologies (communism and fascism) to replace this loss of god, then proceeded to allow both sides to slaughter each other to a standstill and then let corporate backed capitalists tear the survivor to pieces. KILL YOUR LOCAL ANTI-WHITE CEO Protect your people, remove the poison Poison sellers and toxin spreaders are free to proliferate their baneful products completely unchecked by law or society. Whilst the immigrants were young, energized and with large families and many children. Stability and comfort are the enemies of revolutionary change.

>Yes, I dislike them.אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

WdGarGZFp <- Encodied Qmsg


Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 11:06 p.m. No.13178893   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You are the voice, you are the klaxon call, you hold the first spear to be thrust at the invaders. There was a period of time 2 years prior to the attack to the attack that dramatically changed my views.The period of time was from, beginning of April,2017 until the end May,2017. Anything else is a defeat. History is the history of power. Born in Australia to a working class, low income family. You are a bigot, racist, xenophobe, islamophobe, nazi, fascist! Luckily for us, the end results of this deracialized, irreligious and deculturized program show themselves. It ’ s the birthrates. When anyone can be a German, a Brit, a Frenchmen, then being European has truly lost all meaning Make no mistake, the erosion of local and national identity has no come about by accident, it is a concerted and targeted effort against the European people. TAXATION IS THEFT IN A TRAITOROUS SYSTEM Section IV In conclusion Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. Make your plans, get training, form alliances, get equipped and then act.


When I know, I will tell you. Both illegal and legal drug dealers are our racial enemies, ruining the health, wealth, family structure, culture and future of our people.These peddlers of filth are active in every nation and behave without any thought of their impact on their societies. Due to mass immigration we lack the time scale required to enact the civilizational paradigm shift we need to undertake to return to health and prosperity. When they demand you pay, refuse. I wish the different peoples of their world all the best regardless of their ethnicity, race, culture of faith and that they live in peace and prosperity, amongst their own people, practicing their own traditions, in their own nations. Sir Oswald Mosley is the person from history closest to my own beliefs.

>Only for Muslims.אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

CYxlxGcoR <- Encodied Qmsg


Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 11:06 p.m. No.13178926   🗄️.is 🔗kun

But, if those same people seek to come to my peoples lands, replace my people, subjugate my people, make war upon on my people,, hen I shall be forced to fight them, and hold nothing in reserve. This time can not be relied on for a beginning of the rebellion, only utilized as a final stage of energy and escalation to finalize our capture of power. Just do not allow your scepticism to turn to paranoia and keep you from supporting those that want the best for you. Because you can not accept anything less. Yes, but death was a definite possibility. Simple, white, wooden crosses stretching from the fields beside the roadway, seemingly without end, into the horizon. You burn the nest and kill the vipers, no matter their age. Those that are ethnically and culturally European. https: // _by_total_fertility_rate There is not a single Western country, not a single white nation, that reaches these levels. TAXATION IS THEFT IN A TRAITOROUS SYSTEM Section IV In conclusion Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. But they will not accept this death.


Yes, but death was a definite possibility. WITHOUT CHILDREN, THERE IS NO FUTURE There is no democratic Solution Understand here and now, there is no democratic solution, any attempt to vote your way out of Ethnic replacement will be met with at first with derision, then contempt and finally by force. WHY WON ’ T SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING? No. What gives a nation strength? If there is one thing I want you to remember from these writings, its that the birthrates must change.

>I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

hSDigNBWK <- Encodied Qmsg


Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 11:07 p.m. No.13179020   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Force is the only path to power and the only path to true victory. Yes, beyond all doubt, anti-immigration, anti-ethnic replacement and anti-cultural replacement. “ We are disgraced, sons and brothers, who live in these days of calamities! On the east side of the Bosphorus. Whether they are a political minority and therefore lose the control of the majority of power, and thus lose control of the laws and regulations that define public life or those that are the cultural minority find that art in all its forms is created and controlled by a different audience, from a different people from a different history, with differing ideals and experiences and therefore they find themselves isolated, excluded and removed from the creation of contemporary culture. You will find no reprieve, not in Iceland, not in Poland, not in New Zealand, not in Argentina, not in Ukraine, not anywhere in the world. Overcome us? Why focus on immigration and birth rates when climate change is such a huge issue? NGOs ARE TRAITOR ORGANIZATIONS If you lose history will write you as monsters, regardless of your tactics.Win first, write the narrative later. South Africa with all its “ diversity ” is turning into a bloody backwater as its diversity increases, black on other black, black on white, white on black, black on Indian, doesn ’ t not matter, its ethnicity vs ethnicity. Your grand children?


The United states is one of the most diverse nations on Earth, and they are about an inch away from tearing each other to pieces. They must be removed. The movement may begin in Poland, Austria, France, Argentina, Australia, Canada or even Venezuela, but the movement will begin and when it does, be ready to throw your weight behind your people, with full force. DIVERSITY IS UNEQUAL, HIERARCHIES ARE CERTAIN The present is a gift from those in our past Your ancestors did not sweat, bleed and die in the name of a multicultural, egalitarian nation. The Great Replacement Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Give your everything to your people.

>A vote for a radical candidate that opposes your values and incites agitation or anxiety in your own people works far more in your favour than a vote for a milquetoast political candidate that has no ability or wish to enact radical change.אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

SoiLroOQa <- Encodied Qmsg


Anonymous ID: 198563 March 9, 2021, 11:07 p.m. No.13179133   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is a tactic practiced not only on the French people, but on all the peoples of Europe, effectively destroying the nations identity at its core and smashing apart all bonds which a successful, unified nation is built upon. Historical, societal and statistical reasons. This open and often anonymous discussion allowed for information, outside of the states and the corporation control, to be accessed often for the first time. Is it not preferable to die in war rather than suffer any longer so horrible a spectacle? THE MYTH OF THE MELTING POT MUST END, AND WITH IT THE MYTH OF THE EGALITARIAN NATION No taxes to anti-white States Until our nations are run by men and women loyal to our cause taxation should be considered theft, and refusal to pay taxes a sign of racial loyalty. The cities are the economic, judicial, political, ethnic and cultural battleground of our people and it is there we shall wage our war. Accept death: as it is as certain as the setting of the sun at evenfall. To take revenge on the invaders for the hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by foreign invaders in European lands throughout history. Why did you target those people? Physical force is the ultimate form of support. They must be willing and wishing to be a part of this new future we envision.We can not, and should not, rely on oppression to encourage the population to fit this new paradigm.


More recently I have been working part time as a kebab removalist. Enemies bound by faith, culture or tradition with higher levels of fertility, trust and in group preference resulting in much stronger communities. RETAKE THE CITIES, RETAKE YOUR BIRTHRIGHT Support Your Brother Nations When one country moves, you move with them, support them financially, politically, socially and physically. Their is no shared culture, ethnicity, language, values or beliefs. No matter where I travelled, no matter how small or rural the community I visited, the invaders were there. 2.Answers to my people/supporters questions What are your views?

אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

nBUlIByJu <- Encodied Qmsg
