Anonymous ID: 815179 March 9, 2021, 10:41 p.m. No.13177766   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The war will not be easy, the death toll will assuredly be high. Support them socially, back their policies, attack their detractors, voice upon support to the media and in daily conversations, make it understood on the internet that all Europeans nations support them. Each year these degenerates are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths, in our own cities and across the globe. They are no innocents in an invasion, all those who colonize other peoples lands share guilt. Overcome us? So take the prison time, take the beating or even fight back. KILL THE RAPISTS, HANG THEIR FAMILIES Diversity is weak Why is diversity said to be our greatest strength? These writing, and their coverage, are just a bonus. The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People ’ s Republic of China. Why did you carry out the attack? If a an individual is in ownership or control of a corporation or business, and advocates or even accepts the mass importation of non-whites to replace the native European populations, then that traitor must be destroyed.


History is the history of power. A Moroccan may never be an Estonian much the same as an Estonian may never be a Moroccan. Yes, and to plead not guilty.The attack was a partisan action against a occupying force, and I am a lawful, uniformed combatant. Was the attack anti-diversity in origin? But despite this sub-replacement fertility rate, the population in the West is increasing, and rapidly. Due to mass immigration we lack the time scale required to enact the civilizational paradigm shift we need to undertake to return to health and prosperity.

>Whilst the immigrants were young, energized and with large families and many children.אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

SOsMxYXrd <- Encodied Qmsg
