Anonymous ID: f3c30c March 9, 2021, 11:03 p.m. No.13178348   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Who do you consider non-white? They see the decay all around them, plummeting, free-falling birth rates all across the Western world. Why focus on immigration and birth rates when climate change is such a huge issue? When they demand you pay, refuse. Roma, African, Indian, Turkish, Semitic or other. Only elect leaders that show support to your brother nation. Be creative, be expressive, be emotional and above all be passionate. They will threaten you with jail, they may even threaten you with direct force. The movement may begin in Poland, Austria, France, Argentina, Australia, Canada or even Venezuela, but the movement will begin and when it does, be ready to throw your weight behind your people, with full force. LEAVE NO VIPERS NEST UNBURNT Don ’ t leave the cities, Run towards the fight, Not away Run towards the cities, run towards the conflict, run towards the enemy, fleeing from the enemy is cowardice. Do not expect to survive, the only thing you should expect is a true war and to die the death of a true soldier.


We are coming for Constantinople and we will destroy every mosque and minaret in the city. They will threaten you with jail, they may even threaten you with direct force. They were not easily moved, They were icy – willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate. No, the attack was a end in itself, with all the necessary affect required. MINORITIES ARE NEVER TREATED WELL, DO NOT BECOME ONE Do not allow your enemies to grow unchecked When you discover a nest of vipers in your yard, do you spare the adolescents? Perhaps you could tap out, lay down, lick the boots of your occupiers and pray they will let you be comfortable, if only for a little while.

אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

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Anonymous ID: f3c30c March 9, 2021, 11:05 p.m. No.13178654   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Because you can not accept anything less. WITH RISK COMES POSSIBILITIES, WITH POSSIBILITES COMES CHANCE FOR VICTORY Destabilization and Accelerationism: tactics for victory True change and the change we need to enact only arises in the great crucible of crisis. There was a racial component to the attack. I wish the different peoples of their world all the best regardless of their ethnicity, race, culture of faith and that they live in peace and prosperity, amongst their own people, practicing their own traditions, in their own nations. Let them earn our wealthy benefactors their second yachts and their fifth properties! All else is dishonorable. A Europe of nature, culture and sustainable living practicing will not be able to ever compete in the global market. Embrace infamy: the enemies of your people will beset upon you, on all sides. The economic elites who line their pockets with the profit received from our own ethnic replacement. Children of invaders do not stay children, they become adults and reproduce, creating more invaders to replace your people.They grow up and vote against your peoples own wishes, for the interests of their own people and identity. All else is intolerable.


Was the attack “ racist ” in origin? I speak for my views and my ideals, and those that support me.Some may agree with them, others won ’ t. They slaved for a better future for their people, and now other peoples shake their fists and point their fingers, reprimanding us for living better lives, wealthier lives in wealthier countries. Not if you know what I know and want for what we want. Were/are you a supporter of Donald Trump? What makes you believe there are racial differences and that those differences matter?

אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

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Anonymous ID: f3c30c March 9, 2021, 11:07 p.m. No.13178993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They aren ’ t going to ethnically replace the people, nor change the nations culture.They are the same people, they are the same culture. Do not pay to have your people destroyed, do not line the pockets of the traitors within our ranks, don ’ t lend support to a corrupt and broken state. In the Western world this is roughly 2.06 births per woman. We must strive to create a nation worthy of our ancestors, that we give our people the very best lives, and nations that are worthy of them. Was there any reason you attacked that (those) mosque (s) in particular? NO ONE WILL WILLFULLY JOIN THE DECAY Green nationalism is the only true nationalism There is no Conservatism without nature, there is no nationalism without environmentalism, the natural environment of our lands shaped us just as we shaped it. Because if we do not destroy the invaders first, our own birthrates will mean nothing. These tumultuous times can be brought about through action. As for how the public perceives us? A Moroccan may never be an Estonian much the same as an Estonian may never be a Moroccan. Section I Addresses to various groups It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate.


Ebba was partially deaf, unable to hear the attacker coming. CHEAP LABOUR IS SLAVE LABOUR, REFUSE TO IMPORT MODERN SLAVES A boil over in the melting pot Civil war in the so called “ Melting pot ” that is the United States should be a major aim in overthrowing the global power structure and the Wests ’ egalitarian, individualist, globalist dominant culture. Men of the West must be men once more. Yes, the person that has influenced me above all was Candace Owens. Diversity by its very definition belies equality. Are you a part of any political groups or movements?

אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

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Anonymous ID: f3c30c March 9, 2021, 11:08 p.m. No.13179189   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. All so they need not carry any personal risk or struggle themselves. Long before low fertility levels ever could.Thus, before we deal with the fertility rates, we must deal with both the invaders within our lands and the invaders that seek to enter our lands. You're fucking dead, kid. Despite how many of you may feel living amongst the pollution, amongst the cultural filth, crammed into tiny apartments in the city sprawls, far flung from mans natural environment. Also, relying on this time period for our victory holds a second major disadvantage, that being vulnerability to foreign invasion, most likely from the east, specifically China; Turkey; India or some combination of the three. In the end human greed and the need for increasing profit margins of capital owners needs to be fought against and broken. Take it with a smile. Their voices were even and low, Their eyes were level and straight. Force is the only path to power and the only path to true victory. Both illegal and legal drug dealers are our racial enemies, ruining the health, wealth, family structure, culture and future of our people.These peddlers of filth are active in every nation and behave without any thought of their impact on their societies.


Millions of people pouring across our borders, legally.Invited by the state and corporate entities to replace the White people who have failed to reproduce, failed to create the cheap labour, new consumers and tax base that the corporations and states need to thrive. The going will be tough and many of us will die. What is an Australian but a drunk European? Nothing else will do. There was a racial component to the attack. Focusing on increasing the population of whites, or trying to gain economic wealth or military might, whilst already having met the requirement of numbers, wealth and military force needed is simply a stalling tactic, spoken and put forth by men too cowardly to do what is required.

אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !

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