Anonymous ID: 7bb69d March 15, 2021, 10:09 p.m. No.13231040   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We attack as soon as possible, we attack with force and we achieve stability and play defense as the boomers pass, not during their passing, not after. These situations are chaotic and virtually impossible to control, no matter the planning. Not a place where english is the defacto language but a place where every European language, belief and tradition is valued. Both illegal and legal drug dealers are our racial enemies, ruining the health, wealth, family structure, culture and future of our people.These peddlers of filth are active in every nation and behave without any thought of their impact on their societies. More recently I have been working part time as a kebab removalist. The global and corporate run press controls them, the education system (long since fallen to the long march through the institutions carried out by the marxists) controls them, the state (long since heavily lost to its corporate backers) controls them and the anti-white media machine controls them. Were/are you a “ homophobe ”? WITHOUT CHILDREN, THERE IS NO FUTURE There is no democratic Solution Understand here and now, there is no democratic solution, any attempt to vote your way out of Ethnic replacement will be met with at first with derision, then contempt and finally by force. SHOW THEM THE WAY FORWARD There is no sheltered meadow There is nowhere left to run, turn around, face your enemy, make your stand. What makes you believe you are European, not just an Australian? Won ’ t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights from Whites in the United states?


There is no single place in the West that is even close to reaching replacement level birthrates, let alone birthrates that indicate a level of vitality and vigour. Do you believe you are better than these men? EUROPES VALUE IS IN THE EUROPEAN PEOPLE The time after the baby boomers have passed isn't the time to START acting, but the time we should be FINISHING our victory. How this worked in reality, well…only you know. I am only wary of those cultures with higher fertility rates replacing others. Islamic nations in particular have high birth rates, regardless of race or ethnicity, and in this there was an anti-islamic motivation to the attacks, as well as a want for revenge against islam for the 1300 years of war and devastation that it has brought upon the people of the West and other peoples of the world.

>We must strive to create a nation worthy of our ancestors, that we give our people the very best lives, and nations that are worthy of them.


Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers


I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers