Anonymous ID: 000000 March 17, 2021, 12:41 a.m. No.13241690   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The state of Sweden, in free fall. Aber Al Shalati, one of many "refugees" that can go on vacation in their home nation. Living of tax payers money. Promoted by the state run leftist media.


Active in the replacement of Swedes in Sweden, promoting islamists propaganda.


5th column, just one of many millions in Sweden. We need to repatriate about 2 million people back to their country of origin.

Anonymous ID: 000000 March 17, 2021, 12:46 a.m. No.13241703   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Swedens connection islamic terror in Europe. Housing terrorist as a hub/nav to operate from.


Ibrahim El-Bakraoui the suicide bomber on Brussels airport, killing 11.


Khalid El-Bakraoui killed 20 people in the subway.


Now there's intel that the two brothers mentioned above killed the Belgian Paul-André Vanderperren, 76 years old when he was on his way home from a café. The brothers wanted to know how it felt to kill European Christians before the islamic terror attack.


According to statement from another terrorist Osama Krayem, living in Sweden.


The Bataclan massacre, islamic terrorist attack was planned by a refugee living in Sweden. There is a influx of islamic terrorist to Sweden since they won't get jailed in Sweden for being part of terrorist networks.

Anonymous ID: 000000 March 19, 2021, 12:34 p.m. No.13257289   🗄️.is 🔗kun


SVT/State media tries to bring Fredrick Federley's (Centerparty) back into the public eye after the pedo scandal.


Lies about when he knew his homosexual partner was a convicted pedophile.


Interview to be aired in 30min, today Friday.

Anonymous ID: 000000 March 19, 2021, 12:38 p.m. No.13257311   🗄️.is 🔗kun


10 year old Swedish boy robbed and humiliated, when waiting for the bus in Karlstad. Torfag can't upload the video when some niggers urinates in a swedish kids mouth. But you get the idea.


Police wont go out with description of the robbers, as usual. Arabs or Africans is the reason.


And, Karlstad just approved a Mosque for the new muslims to replace Swedes.

Anonymous ID: 000000 March 22, 2021, 4:12 a.m. No.13274288   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ekots granskning visar också att gärningsmän har kunnat behålla sexuellt material på barn, även efter att ha dömts.


Men nu säger inrikesminister Mikael Damberg att lagen behöver ändras, och att man arbetar med frågan just nu.


Men Anders Ahlqvist, tidigare verksamhetsspecialist vid polisens nationella IT-brottscentrum, är kritisk till att det här har dröjt.


Swedish law need to change to combat the pedophiles. Police can do cyber forensics on a child rapist computer, but if they store material in the cloud or on servers they can't go through the e-mail, services to get that material.


This need to change now, part of getting the public informed about these issues where children whom got raped, later after the rapist served their low sentenced because Sweden is a socialist shit hole country, can blackmail the child/adult with the material they gathered from the rapes, abuses, etcetera.


Given these year of QRB and getting a bigger picture of the scope,I start to understand why a world wide awakening in needed, and why time and work is essential to set the scene so to say for the legal framework. We only get one chance at this to get the traitors and pedohpiles. No legal loop holes, only ropes my frens. Only ropes.

Anonymous ID: 000000 March 28, 2021, 12:08 p.m. No.13316381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2575 >>2583 >>2591 >>2455

106 SVT Text Söndag 28 mar 2021



Vaccinmålet blir försenat


Sverige kommer att missa målet att

vaccinera alla vuxna som vill före

halvårsskiftet. Det säger vaccin-

samordnaren Richard Bergström.


-Det kommer att ta lite längre tid

innan alla blivit fullvaccinerade men

kanske fem miljoner personer är full-

vaccinerade till halvårsskiftet, säger

Bergström i SVT:s Helgstudion.


Han räknar dock med att alla har fått

sin första spruta i juni och att runt

2,5 miljoner får andra sprutan i juli.


Prognosen bygger på de leveranser som

är planerade just nu.


SWEDEN Sunday 28 MAR 2021


Sweden will miss the goal of vaxx all adults

that wants to be vaxxed before summer.


Maybe 5 millions are vaxxed by summer says

Bergstrom in state TV.


2.5 will have received 2nd short by July.

Anonymous ID: 000000 April 2, 2021, 2 a.m. No.13345413   🗄️.is 🔗kun





INRIKES. En 16-årig pojke lurades med in i skogen och till en sjö av två klasskamrater från Mellanöstern. Där tvingade de honom att klä av sig kläderna och beordrade honom att "suga av" deras gevär innan de sköt honom i bröstet. Pojken lyckades dock simma iväg medan de laddade om och undkom att mördas. Idag döms duon till ett par års ungdomsvård för mordförsök, tack vare en mycket generös åldersrabatt.


A 16 year old Swedish boy [Cedric Göransson] was lured into the forest by a lake by two Arab classmates [Shahab Abdollahzadeh] [Adel Ramadan].


One of the Arab pulls out a shotgun, rob [Cedric] of his belongings and orders him to undress. "This is what you will be shot with, You will die here". One of the Arabs asks the other [Shahab, Adel] if he wants [Cedric] to give him a blowjob. The Arabs commands [Cedric] to blow the shotgun, [Cedric] realizes they would blow his head off.


The Arabs shot [Cedric] entry wound chest, exit wound left shoulder. [Cedric] manages to survive, gets in the lake and starts to swim. The Arabs reload and tries to kill him but misses.


[Cedric] finds a cave, hides for 15 minutes. Knocks on a villa, a shocked Swedish woman finds the boy in his underwear, with a shotgun wound in his chest. Locks all doors, and care for the gunshot wound calls the Police and Ambulance.


One of the Arabs, [Adel Ramadan] has another sentence against him, Adel and other Arabs attacked a homeless Swedish man Jimmy Fransson.


The sentence should be 16 year in prison but as the corrupt establishment continues the ethnic replacement of Swedes, the two Arabs are not sent to jail or deportation of their families. Get 2 years, 8 months in youth correction program.

Anonymous ID: 000000 April 9, 2021, 1:17 a.m. No.13389435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1734

Swedish Radio is broadcasting about the 1938 Orson Wells War Of The Worlds broadcast.


They're prepping the normies about ay lmao fake invasion, makes me think the international cabal has not given up the idea of using Project Bluebeam to have a fake space nigger attack to scare the normies.