This open and often anonymous discussion allowed for information, outside of the states and the corporation control, to be accessed often for the first time. No, I am not afraid of islam, only that, due to its high fertility rates, it will grow to replace other peoples and faiths. But if you attempt to live in European lands, anywhere west of the Bosphorus.We will kill you and drive you roaches from our lands. The varied cultures of the world greeted me with warmth and compassion, and I very much enjoyed nearly every moment I spent with them. Do not suffer under the delusion of an effortless, riskless democratic victory. Was there a particular event or reason you decided to commit to a violent attack? They must be willing and wishing to be a part of this new future we envision.We can not, and should not, rely on oppression to encourage the population to fit this new paradigm. This rapid change in demography will bring about a time of crisis, as the reality of our possible ethnic replacement becomes obvious to all, even the naysayers. The Europe of the future is not one of concrete and steel, smog and wires but a place of forests, lakes, mountains and meadows. You are not. How they are removed is irrelevant, peacefully, forcefully, happily, violently or diplomatically.
UNTIL THE HAGIA SOPHIA IS FREE OF THE MINARETS, THE MEN OF EUROPE ARE MEN IN NAME ONLY The Rape of European Women Invaders Many of you may already know about the rape of British women by the invading forces, Rotherham of course being the most well known case. Make your plans, get training, form alliances, get equipped and then act. Is this your complete writings and views? EUROPES VALUE IS IN THE EUROPEAN PEOPLE The time after the baby boomers have passed isn't the time to START acting, but the time we should be FINISHING our victory. That is a very broad category of people, and the definition is fuzzy at best. Do you believe those you attacked were innocent?
Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers
I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers