Destroyed in the name of cheap labour, whilst they may publicly object to the illegal immigration of the third world masses, privately they push for as much migration as possible, anything to decrease the labour cost of production and line their pockets with the profits. Because if we do not destroy the invaders first, our own birthrates will mean nothing. Let us all weep for our faults that raise the divine ire, yes, let us weep… But let not our tears be like the seed thrown into the sand. Did you intend to survive the attack? Until these interlopers are repatriated to their peoples lands, then Europe has no true sovereignty, and anyone, no matter their ethnicity or beliefs can call Europe their own. Why not me? In this tempest of conflict is where will be strike, a strong, unified, ethnically and culturally focused pro-white, pro-european group will be everything the average white family need and long for. The only people that seemingly do not face such issues are those with strong traditions, gender norms, societal norms; the poor and the religious, usually a combination of all. As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Canvas public areas in support of radical positions, even if they are not your own. The internet, of course.
VICTORY CAN NOT WAIT, YOUR PEOPLE NEED YOU NOW! I could no longer ignore the attacks. This is WHITE GENOCIDE. The people of the countrysides are already traditional, already close to nature, already supportive of their people. Finally, to create conflict between the two ideologies within the United States on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural, political and racial divide within the United states.This conflict over the 2 nd amendment and the attempted removal of firearms rights will ultimately result in a civil war that will eventually balkanize the US along political, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines. Those who are not ethnically and culturally European.
Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers
I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers