To take revenge on the invaders for the hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by foreign invaders in European lands throughout history. LEAVE NO VIPERS NEST UNBURNT Don ’ t leave the cities, Run towards the fight, Not away Run towards the cities, run towards the conflict, run towards the enemy, fleeing from the enemy is cowardice. THE UNARMED INVADER IS MORE DANGEROUS THAT THE ARMED The Lightning March through the institutions While the lefts march through the institutions was long and ultimately successful we must achieve the same, but in a much shorter time period. It is spoken like a mantra and repeated ad infinitum “ diversity is our greatest strength, diversity is our greatest strength, diversity is our greatest strength… ”. In every country, on every continent, those that are in the minority are oppressed. Nothing else will do. The Truth that they are left, alone, an individual in a society worshiping the cult of the individual, to respond against an influx of outsiders from all corners of the world. This is cultural replacement. A political and social stalemate that makes any advancement impossible. Luckily for us, the end results of this deracialized, irreligious and deculturized program show themselves. With these boosted numbers, and with our unified forces, complete control of the United states will be possible.
There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate. We grow older, fewer, weaker and more fundamentally closer to true death the longer we allow our birthrates to remain so catastrophically low. That means those that can, or have the ability should look to ingrain themselves into these institutions and climb as far up the power hierarchy as possible, in the shortest time possible. Not Yet! You will hang. I am an Ethno-nationalist Eco-fascist.
Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers
I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers