UNTIL THE HAGIA SOPHIA IS FREE OF THE MINARETS, THE MEN OF EUROPE ARE MEN IN NAME ONLY The Rape of European Women Invaders Many of you may already know about the rape of British women by the invading forces, Rotherham of course being the most well known case. So yes. A political candidate that keeps the status quo or only seeks to introduce minimal change, even when the minimal change is in support of our cause, is ultimately useless or even damaging. Meanwhile they badger, trick and guilt-shame the European people into forfeiting their own hard earned income and giving it directly to their peoples cultural and ethnic competitors, many of which have the only intent of conquering and destroying the European peoples. I was travelling as a tourist in Western Europe at the time, France, Spain Portugal and others.The first event that begun the change was the terror attack in Stockholm, on the 7 th of April 2017. Sadiq Khan, The current mayor of London at the time of writing, an open sign of the disenfranchisement and ethnic replacement of the british people in the british isles. Were/are you an anti-semite? VENERATE THE ANCESTORS BUT WORK FOR THE CHILDREN A soldiers fight The ideal of a heroic war, without loss, without failure, without some great setback, is idealistic and downright impossible. Your grand children? The french people were often in a minority themselves, and the french that were in the streets were often alone, childless or of advanced age. A political candidate that keeps the status quo or only seeks to introduce minimal change, even when the minimal change is in support of our cause, is ultimately useless or even damaging.
To maintain a population the people must achieve a birthrate that reaches replacement fertility levels. I don ’ t, but I may have some. You may stumble. Likely a new society will need to be created with a much greater focus on family values, gender and social norms and the value and importance of nature, culture and race. We attack as soon as possible, we attack with force and we achieve stability and play defense as the boomers pass, not during their passing, not after. That perverse nation profanes the hospices … The temple of the Lord is treated like a criminal and the ornaments of the sanctuary are robbed.
>The enemies of our children are being born in our lands right now, even as you read this.
Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers
I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers