All I can guarantee is that inaction is sure defeat, power structures will be tested and likely will fall and most of all there is only the future ahead and attempting to march back to any earlier time will get you no where at all. They are also one of the strongest groups, with high fertility, high in group preference and a will to conquer. I support many of those that take a stand against ethnic and cultural genocide.Luca Traini, Anders Breivik, Dylan Roof, Anton Lundin Pettersson, Darren Osbourne etc. But when Europeans from all countries and continents move to back their brothers, they can not possibly attack any one group. The media will paint you as villains, the state will name you as traitors, the globalist forces will name you as criminals and the traitors amongst your people will name you as enemies. Break it ’ s back, anyway you can. WHY WON ’ T SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING? Democracy is mob rule and the mob itself is ruled by our own enemies. No, the attack was not an attack on diversity, but an attack in the name of diversity. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Did/do you personally hate muslims?
Your grand children? Driving toward the next french town on my itinerary, knowing that inevitably the invaders would also been there, I found my emotions swinging between fuming rage and suffocating despair at the indignity of the invasion of France, the pessimism of the french people, the loss of culture and identity and the farce of the political solutions offered. What makes you believe you are European, not just an Australian? For the disgrace you have heaped upon the European people and the distress you have caused to European women, you will die. Why did you choose this time to attack? In time, the truth will be revealed.
Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers
I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers