Anonymous ID: 791e9c March 15, 2021, 10:09 p.m. No.13231204   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yes, and it seems we immigrants seem to bring a whole host of issues. When the time comes you must be ready to act. SHOW THEM THE WAY FORWARD There is no sheltered meadow There is nowhere left to run, turn around, face your enemy, make your stand. White people are failing to reproduce, failing to create families, failing to have children. A finger on the hand of the body of Europe. I blame both, and plan to deal with both. Democracy is the only solution, why are you committing to force? Western culture is trivialized, pulped and blended into a smear of meaningless nothing, with the only tenets and beliefs seemingly held to are the myth of the individual, the value of work (productivity for the benefit of your capitalist owners) and the sovereignty of private property (to ensure none of us get grand ideas of taking the unearned wealth of our owners). Meanwhile they badger, trick and guilt-shame the European people into forfeiting their own hard earned income and giving it directly to their peoples cultural and ethnic competitors, many of which have the only intent of conquering and destroying the European peoples. I could no longer bring the sneer to my face, I could no longer turn my back on the violence. 2.Answers to my people/supporters questions What are your views?


A gradual change is never going to achieve victory. I chose firearms for the affect it would have on social discourse, the extra media coverage they would provide and the affect it could have on the politics of United states and thereby the political situation of the world. To directly reduce immigration rates to European lands by intimidating and physically removing the invaders themselves. But here ’ s the real kicker, the unarmed invader is far more dangerous to our people than the armed invader. Introduction It ’ s the birthrates. To ensure that the peoples of the world remain true to their traditions and faiths and do not become watered down and corrupted by the influence of outsiders.



Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers


I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers