Thank god. NO ONE WILL WILLFULLY JOIN THE DECAY Green nationalism is the only true nationalism There is no Conservatism without nature, there is no nationalism without environmentalism, the natural environment of our lands shaped us just as we shaped it. No two different things can ever truly be equal, especially humans. These are the things that speak to people, connect people, drive people. That should surprise no one. No, I am not afraid of islam, only that, due to its high fertility rates, it will grow to replace other peoples and faiths. They were attacks on my people, attacks on my culture, attacks on my faith and attacks on my soul. What part of diversity causes this increase in strength? Is it not preferable to die in war rather than suffer any longer so horrible a spectacle? Millions of people pouring across our borders, legally.Invited by the state and corporate entities to replace the White people who have failed to reproduce, failed to create the cheap labour, new consumers and tax base that the corporations and states need to thrive. That should surprise no one.
Just Wait! Somehow this isolation then radicalization is seen as a surprise, yet for anyone who was paying attention, it was a long time coming. Not a place where english is the defacto language but a place where every European language, belief and tradition is valued. With enough pressure the left wing within the United states will seek to abolish the second amendment, and the right wing within the US will see this as an attack on their very freedom and liberty. Invade the cities, take the cities, battle in the streets for the cities. DIVERSITY IS UNEQUAL, HIERARCHIES ARE CERTAIN The present is a gift from those in our past Your ancestors did not sweat, bleed and die in the name of a multicultural, egalitarian nation.
Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers
I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers