Anonymous ID: 4aa25f March 15, 2021, 10:09 p.m. No.13231095   🗄️.is 🔗kun

To add momentum to the pendulum swings of history, further destabilizing and polarizing Western society in order to eventually destroy the current nihilistic, hedonistic, individualistic insanity that has taken control of Western thought. Do not suffer under the delusion of a Democratic victory, prepare for war, prepare for violence and prepare for risk, loss and struggle, as it is the only path to Victory. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? They aren ’ t going to ethnically replace the people, nor change the nations culture.They are the same people, they are the same culture. The spell broke, why don ’ t I do something? Their voices were even and low, Their eyes were level and straight. In time, the truth will be revealed. Did/do you personally hate muslims? This eradication of their people, their culture, their very soul. The Race? Show the strength of your convictions, the truth of yours and the iron-hard strength of your will and they will follow.


Because if we do not destroy the invaders first, our own birthrates will mean nothing. Londinium, the very heart of the British isles. This should give us an indication of what may be truly at the heart of the issue. Just do not allow your scepticism to turn to paranoia and keep you from supporting those that want the best for you. Democracy is mob rule and the mob itself is ruled by our own enemies. It ’ s profit, and profit alone that drives them, all else is secondary.

>The media will paint you as villains, the state will name you as traitors, the globalist forces will name you as criminals and the traitors amongst your people will name you as enemies.


Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers


I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers