Notable Nomination - CHART on covid-related RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS.
The Chart may need to address another item - detainment upon entry into Canada re use of Governor in Council order on COVID-19.
Here is a link to a comment found under story at REBEL NEWS which showed the ticket for fine that a woman received at Vancouver Airport. She showed no symptoms of illness. She refused the PCR - which is invasive and not required as per the QUARENTINE ACT and which is not reliable means of determining if individual is diseased, is infectious, or is a risk of spreading the specified disease. The order does not provide an alternative whatsoever, much less a reasonable alternative. But as per the comment, the government has said that PCR is the ony way to know if somoene has COVID-19. They have painted themselves into a corner and so all who implement these entry measures are unlawfully detaining people knowingly.
Knowingly and under the colour of law.
Here is the link to the ACT and to to the REBEL NEWS video and to the comment.
Comment of interest
19:56 Read the ticket/fine. Cites Section 58 of the QUARENTINE ACT and says 'Failure to comply with an order prohibiting or subjecting to any condition the entry into Canada'. Clause 58 subsection 1 invokes the opinion of the Governor in Council and depends on PCR as a screening tool to assert each and all of the following re COVID-19. Outbreak of the disease in country of departure; imminent and severe risk to public health in CANADA; contribution to spread in CANADA; no reasonable alternatives to prevent spread of the disease. The order in Council can not be renewed if conditions in subsection 1 do not continue to apply. NOTE THAT THIS PLACES THE RESPONSIBILITY ON THE PM and HIS OPINION. However, that opinon depends utterly on the following flaws. 1. PCR is not a reliable screening tool; it does not test for a disease, nor for infection, nor for measure of a communicable infection/disease. 2. PCR can not provide a reasonable basis for an order, much less an action implementing an order, 'prohibiting or subjecting to any condition the entry into Canada'. 2. No definitive symptom, or set of symptoms, is used in clinical diagnosis of the specified disease; the GOVT stipulates that PCR is the only way to know if someone has the disease, but PCR does not test for illness nor for infection of the supposed specified causal agent of the specified disease; if the person entrying CANADA does not exhibit symptoms associated with the specified illness, then, there is even less cause to restrict entry of an individual. This, in effect, brings to the fore 58 subsection 1 (d) which invokes 'reasonable alternatives' for which the Council's order provides nothing and defaults to leaving the person free to enter undetained and not subject to fines.