Won ’ t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights in the New Zealand? DO NOT FEAR CHANGE, WE ARE CHANGE Globalized capitalist markets are the enemy of racial autonomists If an ethnocentric European future is to be achieved global free markets and the trade of goods is to be discouraged at all costs. But kill sixty unarmed invaders having shown the will and the intent to bring harm to your nation and people, and you will be considered a monster, dragged through the streets, ridiculed, attacked, your character assassinated in every way it can be and finally tried in court and imprisoned for the rest of your life. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Why is that their non diverse nations do so much better than our own, and on so many different metrics? Be creative, be expressive, be emotional and above all be passionate. The idea that all it takes for a Han chinese man to become German is to be born on German soil is as insane as a German born on Mars becoming a Martian. We must inevitably correct the disaster of hedonistic, nihilistic individualism. Once the corporate and state medias grip on the zeitgeist of modernity was finally broken by the internet, true freedom of thought and discussion flourished and the overton window was not just shifted, but shattered. Be creative, be expressive, be emotional and above all be passionate. More skilled and courageous?
Numbers aren ’ t everything, ten lions are worth of thousand sheep.The reason we are currently losing our lands is not due to a lack of numbers, or wealth, or military force. Our lands are not their home, they can return to their own lands or found their homelands elsewhere. But for some reason this was different. Rampant urbanization and industrialization, ever expanding cities and shrinking forests, a complete removal of man from nature, with the obvious results. The gun owners of New Zealand are a beaten, miserable bunch of baby boomers, who have long since given up the fight.When was the last time they won increased rights? Answering possible questions 1.In general Who are you?
>They are also one of the strongest groups, with high fertility, high in group preference and a will to conquer.
Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers