Interdasting habbenings on the GAB hack. Lots of familiar names from the Anti Q "Anonymous"
Looks like we are gonna have to report Jeremy Hammond for violating the terms of his supervised release by mere associating with tbe demon hackers - like Grace North.
This is phase two: returning the favor.
Joseph A. Camp
Joseph A. Camp
GAB beats cancel culture, trolls, and tranny demon hackers…. GAB is winning.
We are finalizing our research and will have the rest published today and tomorrow. Bit players left known to who needs to know and soon you as well.
If anything new comes up we will pounce ruthlessly and immediately.
Federal agents are involved -and that is all I can say about that. We will make sure they stay on top of this.
Follow: @YourDaddyJoey for more investigative reports on Antifa and their aligned terror groups and individuals.
Keep checking for updates to the Demon Hacker Report.
See link in bio for additional socials.
When Jesus is King there is no demon that can prevail.
Joseph A. Camp
Joseph A. Camp
Demon hackers - We have all the Gab private info. pay us 500,000$ or we will dox all Gab users.
Me - We have all of the demon hackers info. and we are giving it away free immediately without censorship. Oh, and you don't have anything but public posts jn an attempt to blackmail Gab.
Demon hackers - Stop doxxing me. You're putting my kid at risk.
Me - You don't have a kid liar.. Make sure to download the demon hacker report at
Demon hackers - Crickets for 2 days.
**Even Micah and @troyhunt are real quite these days.
Me - Phase 2 has only just begun.