Anonymous ID: de3635 March 14, 2021, 2:29 p.m. No.13213026   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is not a single place left where the tendrils of replacement migration have not touched. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. They will threaten you with jail, they may even threaten you with direct force. Once the corporate and state medias grip on the zeitgeist of modernity was finally broken by the internet, true freedom of thought and discussion flourished and the overton window was not just shifted, but shattered. These repercussions will hit them hard, fast and without mercy. If we want to radically and fundamentally change society, then we need to radicalize society as much as possible. Inaction will lead to sure defeat. Everywhere I travelled, barring a few small exceptions, I was treated wonderfully, often as a guest and even as a friend. This should give us an indication of what may be truly at the heart of the issue. They see the decay all around them, plummeting, free-falling birth rates all across the Western world. We are experiencing an invasion on a level never seen before in history.


You may stumble. The people of the countrysides are already traditional, already close to nature, already supportive of their people. A. Compliments will get you no where. To agitate the political enemies of my people into action, to cause them to overextend their own hand and experience the eventual and inevitable backlash as a result. What are your wishes? I have read the writings of Dylan Roof and many others, but only really took true inspiration from Knight Justiciar Breivik.