Cuomo's best bet now could be Trump, talk about the height of irony.
Looks like a dem faction sees Cuomo as a threat to their own POTUS ambitions. Most likely Obama/Mike/Harris with Jarrett pulling the strings. Also could be Clinton's looking for a Chelsea future, but there's time there, so not as likely, IMO.
Trump can step in to help using his history with false accusers and Cuomo returns the favor by fucking up the NY AG and SDNY power play against all things Trump.
They go way back, families were acquainted as kids. NY kids teaming up to fight off the Chicago gang? The insults they throw at each other are terms of endearment for NY kids, so I'm not taking any stock in that being anything but theater.
Cuomo is holding the fate of other dem govs in his hands as well, so dem bumbling will likely blow the whole fucking steal thing up. Dems look desperate here. My guess is the much disliked Harris is coming soon and dem voters will look to Cuomo for relief. Everything about this smells like the Obama gang trying to smear lipstick on a pig.
Good shot here for taking the dems out from the inside.