Anonymous ID: 052933 May 6, 2018, 7:03 a.m. No.1317547   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Iran issue will be solved via financial warfare - which POTUS is executing flawlessly.


#Iran's currency is in FREE FALL. Today's exchange rate: 63000 rials to 1 US dollar. It was 54000 to $1 yesterday & 75 to $1 prior to 1979 revolution. Authorities seem unable to control the crisis. No wonder ppl are chanting "Leave Syria alone, think of us instead". #IranProtests 4/9/18

Anonymous ID: 052933 May 6, 2018, 7:15 a.m. No.1317615   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It appears that we must endure/exhaust every single legal maneuver to establish an absolutely air tight case.


Congress is going to force Sessions - which is what POTUS wants. Bring everything to a huge boil before the 'real' criminals are charged. When they are charged, the anger will be so great, there will be no escape.


not by the media, not legally, not politically.