Anonymous ID: 536920 May 6, 2018, 5:39 a.m. No.1317119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7203 >>7409 >>7445 >>7637

MAY 6, 2018 / 11:48 AM / UPDATED 36 MINUTES AGO

UK watchdog orders Cambridge Analytica to hand over American's personal data

Reuters Staff

(Reuters) - Britain’s data privacy watchdog has ordered Cambridge Analytica to hand over all the personal information it holds on a U.S. academic, confirming the right of people abroad to seek data held by a UK firm.

Data privacy activists say that it sets a precedent that would enable millions of other U.S. voters to request information that the company had collected on them.

The Information Commissioner’s Office served notice to SCL Elections, Cambridge Analytica’s parent, to provide the information it holds on David Carroll, saying failure to do so would be a criminal offence punishable by an unlimited fine.

The order comes days after both firms filed for insolvency after reports that Cambridge Analytica had improperly obtained data on tens of millions of Facebook (FB.O) users without their knowledge or consent……

…..The case rests on the principle that, because a British company processed his data, Carroll is entitled under UK data protection law to receive the data a company holds on him even though he is a U.S. resident.

« The ICO’s decision will provide us all with answered about what Cambridge Analytica did with people’s data, how it was used and who it was given to,” said Carroll’s UK lawyer Ravi Naik.

Cambridge Analytica and its insolvency administrators did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment on Sunday.



Anonymous ID: 536920 May 6, 2018, 5:42 a.m. No.1317137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7180 >>7203 >>7409 >>7445 >>7637

Fear mongering continues



French President Emmanuel Macron has warned that war could ensue if U.S. President Donald Trump withdraws from the 2015 deal in which Iran agreed to curb its nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions relief.

"We would open the Pandora's box. There could be war," Macron told German weekly magazine Der Spiegel. But he added: "I don't think that Donald Trump wants war."

Trump is set to decide by May 12 whether to pull out of the Iran deal. Trump has all but decided to withdraw but exactly how he will do so remains unclear, two White House officials and a source familiar with the administration's internal debate said on May 2…..



Anonymous ID: 536920 May 6, 2018, 5:59 a.m. No.1317221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7237 >>7286 >>7363 >>7409 >>7445 >>7637

Fox News reports the 86-year-old financier and manager of a global network of nonprofits will be forced by BSG Resources’ lawsuit to answer for manipulating the politics and economics of Guinea for his own benefit


Despite Soros’ often contentious dealings and reputation as a pompous busybody, the filing in New York Federal Court has thus far largely escaped the spotlight.


Soros, who controls a web of international nonprofits in addition to his vast financial empire, used his sway with the government of Guinea to freeze Israeli company BSG Resources out of the West African nation’s lucrative iron ore mining contracts, according to the suit filed last month in New York Federal Court by BSG Resources.

Whatever the ultimate outcome in the current case, it is not the first time Soros has been accused of sowing political upheaval to advance a personal agenda. Critics around the world, including in the U.S. and in Soros’ homeland of Hungary, say the liberal financier often masquerades as a humanitarian while manipulating the political landscape.



Anonymous ID: 536920 May 6, 2018, 6:03 a.m. No.1317243   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anonymous ID: 536920 May 6, 2018, 6:08 a.m. No.1317265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7409 >>7445 >>7514 >>7637

Katica (Tweet)

The FBI lost chain of custody for Hillary's Dell PowerEdge 2900 they collected from Platte River Networks. From August to Oct 2015? That's wonderful.


CC: @DonaldJTrumpJr @SebGorka @RepMattGaetz @DevinNunes


Pages 8 & 9…

Anonymous ID: 536920 May 6, 2018, 6:13 a.m. No.1317291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SEOUL, May 6 (UPI) – North Korean media has directed criticism at the Japanese government, while toning down disparaging remarks on South Korea and the United States.


On Sunday, the North's ruling Workers' Party newspaper Rodong Sinmun accused Tokyo of "trying to freeride on the wind of peace," ahead of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's bilateral summit with U.S. President Donald Trump.


In a commentary regarding Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the paper criticized that Tokyo had "caused a ruckus abut the threat from North Korea as though a missile would fly over and explode any minute, stirring a wave of militarism," but was now "changing its tune as though it is the 'apostle of peace,' given the change of situation."


Japan has long advocated the U.S.-led campaign of applying maximum pressure and sanctions on the North Korea regime, over its nuclear and missile development programme.


Last July, North Korea fired two ballistic missiles that flew over Japan, alarming locals.


The Rodong Sinmun further criticized the Tokyo government, which is reportedly concerned that it has been excluded from regional talks on denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula.


"Japan has not been able to even cast its shadow during talks on the fate of the Korean Peninsula and the region," the paper said. "In discussions regarding the Asia Pacific region, nobody has called for Japan and there is no longer a need to prepare a seat for Japan."


It also noted Japan had been reaching out to the United States and South Korea, claiming it is "sponging off of them to gain access to Pyongyang.


"However, if they don't get rid of their foul communication and nasty manners, hundreds of thousands of years can pass but they will never step foot on our sacred land," the commentary said.


The commentary appears to contradict a statement from Seoul's presidential office, which said Kim Jong Un had expressed willingness to talk with Abe and normalize diplomatic ties with Tokyo.


On Tuesday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also said he would seek to normalize diplomatic ties with Pyongyang, and resolve the issue of Japanese nationals being detained in North Korea, the Japan Times reported.



Anonymous ID: 536920 May 6, 2018, 6:18 a.m. No.1317313   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anonymous ID: 536920 May 6, 2018, 6:28 a.m. No.1317346   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anonymous ID: 536920 May 6, 2018, 6:34 a.m. No.1317380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7409 >>7410 >>7418 >>7435 >>7445 >>7479 >>7637

EU army SHOCK: Britain BACKS plan to JOIN Macron's super-military plan - even after Brexit

AN EU meeting has agreed to establish a shock new defence body - independent of the 'EU military' - which would keep Britain tied to the bloc and a Brussels-led military interventions force even after Brexit.


11:00, Sun, May 6, 2018 | UPDATED: 11:06, Sun, May 6, 2018

The shock plan, first announced by French President Emmanuel Macron earlier this week, was discussed during an EU defence meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria yesterday.


The chief of EU security, Federica Mogherini, praised the European Intervention Initiative, which would be separate from other EU defence initiatives.


However, the shock plot, that will ensure Britain remains tied to the European Union partners even after Brexit, also recieved the backing of a British Government minister.


Speaking in Sofia, the British junior defence minister Frederick Curzon said Downing Street was "very keen to support" French President Emmanuel Macron's plan for a European force that could be deployed rapidly around the world.

