People who are proud in their stupid gullibility.
Saw the shitshows Saturday and Sunday morning that turned into this, the most docile couple boards anon has seen in years. Was able to read the entire board with a slow calmness, and there is still room here at the bottom and time left to post.
Is this my opportunity to ask a few questions here without all the more common craziness?
This anon has been in the DCmetro for 25 years. Never successfully pierced the bubble of corruption that is my so-called ‘government’, not for lack of trying. Rubbed with countless parade of astonishingly clueless gov/ngo employees. Always tried to rib them about their well-paid hobby of sedition and treason, if not out right ask why they can’t or wont do the right thing. Near perfect score of the same tired, toothless, skipping record: ‘Corruption is a conspiracy theory’, ‘I’m too low a level to be respected’, ‘nothing can be done, don’t rock the boat, go along to get along’…
I have a few other responses in my collection, but those might be too close to the ‘threat’ of doxing. Ill hold onto those a little longer.
I am looking for challenge questions I can pose to these people, and request them pass up their chain of command or business structure. Good questions, that simultaneously give them an out, while pulling the pin on a thought-grenade that will eventually go off.
Really appreciate this compilation, thank you, Anon.
Going to get a coffee and read slowly. Will try replying with distillate by the next bread. Your opening question is not that far off from one I’ve been using. The fluoride stare i often get in return is what still needs to be pierced. I like your style. Thanks.