Payseurs aren't spoken of enough but they aren't P.
Was never confirmed they were.
I started notables.
Fuck around and test me.
Payseurs aren't spoken of enough but they aren't P.
Was never confirmed they were.
I started notables.
Fuck around and test me.
You must remember my zero fucks given attitude.
Sad state of affairs rn.
Keep your head up.
07 anon
He commutes w Lucifer for orders.
Truth is hard to swallow.
Thats statement is also a Q joke by they are all magic cum guzzlers.
Payseurs brought cult wealth(French wing) into America to buy up infrastructure u der a different name. Anons even have the payseur immigration papers.
Feel similarly. Truth stands on its own merits.
This board has always felt exposing reality and truth will fix things. Not violence. We have nothing to fear.
I'll be around next bread. o7