>>1317760 (Previous bread)
Good. The medical and insurance industries are out of control.
So, "COMPED" is now shorthand for "compromised?" Brilliant.
I know, I saw it the day it came out, we just always used on 4/pol/ the same way he did (complimentary items/services), but to repurpose it to mean "compromised" is perfect.
Hell yes.
>Dig his history. It's all there.
I'm already familiar. That was his literal job: Tow the line.
>Trust me, there is no way Mueller is a good guy.
I don't think he's a good guy, I think he flipped. They are not the same.
Trump has the NSA on his side and thus, their databases. Mueller knows what NSA collects. Mueller knows the power, the reach, and the resources POTUS has. Trump has what he needs to find out what he wants to find out about the various actors on the chessboard. Mueller's been on the chessboard a long time, so there's plenty to find out, but Mueller is not a top-of-the-pyramid guy, he's a foot soldier.
How would you differentiate between acting under threat or blackmail and being a deep state loyalist?
Trump passed an EO in October allowing him to call up any retired military officer and POTUS can already give special assignment to the marines. Remember, we are technically in a state of emergency via the December EO.
They both work.
Wanted to post that, but I only had it on my phone. Thanks.
"Tow the line" is just a figure of speech. The FBI director is not the head of the deep state. He has his orders just like any other appointee.
Flipping doesn't require moral fiber, it can be a totally selfish act, so a history of doing dirt does not prove that a person wouldn't flip in the future, or anything else for that matter. Most people don't understand the fundamental attribution error.
>He was not aware of their evil plan with the "insurance policy"
He knew who he was up against. Once he became POTUS, the power became his. It doesn't matter when Trump became aware of any particular misdeeds.
This. It makes more sense that Sessions is quietly playing a very important role. Trump would not have kept a person onboard if they just sat on their ass and did nothing as AG as soon as they took office.
Noted, but irrelevant to the matter at hand.
There's no way that an FBI director wouldn't recognize how silly the whole thing looks. It makes more sense that he's doing it with purpose.
This has to be a work. Nunes and Sessions LARPing.
1.) Jay-Z (who would be the reality stars, though?)
2.) Diddy
3.) Dre (bad history)
4.) Flavor Flavโฆ?
This is where it all started.
โฆAre you real?
It is important, but it has no bearing on the truth of the matter re:Mueller.