Damnit Q! Why do you have web analytic campaign tracking codes on your links!? Want to chalk it up to operating outside a domain of expertise, but that’s hard to imagine! You throw out a Washington Post URL with a utm parameter periodically, which gives Washington Post a pulse on every campaign; i.e., number of visitors, locations, ISPs (or VPNs), hardware used, browser, certain system settings. For fellow anons, learn web analytics, https: //ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/campaign-url-builder/ ; Washington Post has their own proprietary system, but the functionality is the same across the industry. An oversight as minor as stripping campaign tracking codes gives me great pause, and a red flag!!! This guy was ready to start doing hardcore statistics and running machine learning algorithms on the metadata to find golden nuggets. I’m not throwing in the towel completely, but we should question everything, right?