>Mueller knows that it's a humiliating losing battle
Mueller is too arrogant to feel humiliation. He's been ruthlessly crooked for 19yrs and has never once apologized for being proven wrong. He is directly responsible for a man's death. He is directly responsible for costing taxpayers billions upon billions of dollars. He is directly responsible for putting innocents in jail. Dig his history. It's all there. No way he is working for good.
> all the information POTUS and his loyalists have access to
He didn't know W&W were helping Potus. Mueller has it all, thanks to the illegal Title1 surveillance. Look at Caputo's recent statements about it.
> Work with us and we won't nail your ass to the wall after the inevitable train wreck known as the Russian collusion investigation comes to its end
2 things to keep in mind.
Potus had no idea about the "insurance policy" at the time. Only after Adm Rodgers did he find out he was being surveilled.
Mueller in no way feels vulnerable. At the time, they felt they were still in control and had every intention of getting Potus impeached.
A sitting US President can not be investigated on criminal charges. Everyone seems to forget that. THe only thing they could hope to accomplish is a smear campaign by leaking certain info to make it appear Potus was guilty of something. If his favorability ratings dropped much lower, they would have moved to impeach Potus. He likely would have gotten 2/3 Senate vote, thanks to all the RINO's.
However, his ratings only increased. The continued smear campaign didn't work. Now, they had to carry on with the plan and cover their butts. But alas, the truth is finally coming out.
Another example is the indictment against the Russians. He never thought the Russians would lawyer up. hahaha. Caught with his pants down. Next, exit the corrupt Manafort judge and enter the Brady judge. Oops. Another fang removed from Mueller.
Trust me, there is no way Mueller is a good guy. Neither is RR.