A ID: eb8989 May 6, 2018, 9:04 a.m. No.1318358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8385 >>8389 >>8482



It took me some time to find the color cipher site


The pallets on the ships deck might be a color code message


in the photo on the deck colors


in the photo it looks like when you read it across - blue blue blue white white white red - don't think it will work


But this one might reading it down then over - blue blue white red blue white white


I don't have a smart phone this link is set up for color cipher into message




I already have the RGB, HEX, CMYK color code




255,255,255 = RGB

0,0,0,0 = CMYK



#FF0000 = Hex

255,0,0 = RGB

0,1,1,0 = CMYK



#0000FF = Hex

0,0,255 = RGB

1,1,0,0 = CMYK