Individuals who have been ignoring everything that was going on behind the scenes are now presented with as many “aha”-moments and eye-openers as necessary to put the new dynamic into effect.
This still takes some time – and meanwhile the forces of darkness wreak havoc and fight their last fight.
Remain unimpressed, don’t get deceived and direct your hearts fully towards the Divine Light. Surround yourselves with positive and luminous people. Ask the heavenly forces to stand by you, and they will support you whenever you don’t know how to proceed and point out new paths.
This game is ending, and for you it will never start again the same way. You have experienced the dense energy, and your desire is leading you towards the light.
But it isn’t over until it is over – and this time, the best comes at the very end.
When everything seems lost, humanity will win. Individuals who have awakened will speak up with one voice. There is no room on the new earth for old structures and negative elements.
Many of you will leave the future earth, which will be governed by light and love. The future earth has already been created. When all is done, you will be lifted, ascend and return to heaven on earth.
Beloved human,
Stay true to yourself and persistent with your spiritual practice. Use these days to strengthen and perfect yourself internally. Because:
When the OUTER comes to a STANDSTILL, it is time to look for GOD INSIDE. His creation is all around, but the creator can only be encountered inside yourself.