If you lose, no matter how you acted in your loss; whether that is heroically, cowardly, violently, peacefully, virtuously or criminally, if your enemies are writing the history they will describe you as a devil. That was during a triumphant VICTORY. Meanwhile the 10000 ton boulder of demographic change rolls ever forward, gaining momentum and possibly destroying all in its path. Egalitarians and those that believe in heirachy will never come to terms.I don ’ t want you by my side or I don ’ t want share power. Be creative, be expressive, be emotional and above all be passionate. Why is that their non diverse nations do so much better than our own, and on so many different metrics? Everywhere I travelled, barring a few small exceptions, I was treated wonderfully, often as a guest and even as a friend. Didn ’ t your attack just result in the vilification of ethno-nationalists/racial autonomists? Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. Soon the replacement of the whites within Texas will hit its apogee and with the non-white political and social control of Texas; and with this control, the electoral college will be heavily stacked in favor of a democratic victory so that every electoral cycle will be a certainty. Finally there are those that find themselves in the ethnic or racial minority and find their very own genes being bred out of existence through miscegenation and differing racial birth rates.
Survival was a better alternative to death in order to further spread my ideals by media coverage and to deplete resources from the state by my own imprisonment. So take the prison time, take the beating or even fight back. Despite how many of you may feel living amongst the pollution, amongst the cultural filth, crammed into tiny apartments in the city sprawls, far flung from mans natural environment. In time, the truth will be revealed. DIVERSITY IS UNEQUAL, HIERARCHIES ARE CERTAIN The present is a gift from those in our past Your ancestors did not sweat, bleed and die in the name of a multicultural, egalitarian nation. What makes you think that you have all the answers?
>Democracy is the only solution, why are you committing to force?אשמדאיIm watching lads, just having fun :) This is now a porn thread !
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