I think the missing breads should be notable but what do I know.
Scratch that. See your scrape Baker. o7
Jeepfag. Kek.
Good to know we're backed up.
Thx for digging into and addressing for future.
Blessings coming to you in heaven anon.
I think many, including me, have all the kompromat we need to destroy Pelosi before it got that far. I'm more interested in further down line. I think it goes to SoS after Speaker.
Remember it being interesting and feeling it was legit but its been a while.
Stone too
We have dug into the "Golden ticket" stuff. Pretty interesting. Reads as if they get black cards and above the law.
qresear.ch golden ticket
SES or Golden ticket folks?
When rsching golden tickets back in the day felt it could only be composed of compd devgru and spooks, almost too fast tracked.
Basically just talent they owned, monitored, and funded (black cards) due to actions they carried out in our countries name but could be used against them.
Devgru to Chattel.
If SES is the roadblocks and I assume you mean where heavy compartmentalization begins then I'd bet my left nut 95% are Jesuits, Masons, RCC Knights, et al.