Anonymous ID: 02ad1c March 10, 2021, 12:22 p.m. No.13182521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2533 >>2542 >>2549 >>2573 >>2645 >>2686 >>2736 >>2830 >>2843

This is going to be hard to explain. Please excuse my ineptitude.


The Perseverance launch/landing shows were deepfakes. The mission was fake. All of the Mars missions, going back to the beginning, have been fake. The entire public space program is fake.

But the fakery is comms for something else. Something that just might be mind-blowing.

They're not going to Mars. They're going to 'Mars'; although where that might be, and how they're getting there, is rather opaque.


See pic related. NASA/JPL apparently has two totally different women with the same name working the same job for them. One of them apparently has trouble remembering her own name.


Hosted by Blue, 'achieved' by Blue (Dark-Blue?) working for/on-behalf-of Red (Red-and-White?).


Hosted by Red, 'achieved' by Blue (Dark-Blue?) working for/on-behalf-of Red (Red-and-White?). Lots of people, but especially Red (Red-and-Black?) are watching and cheering it on.

Note that 'Red Raquel' signs off as 'Becky-Anne Villanueva'. Please also note jewellery of all women involved.


Things to Reconcile:

  • [They] seemingly have access to advanced technology, and have established bases on the Moon and Mars. There is almost certainly no need to launch craft to Mars using chemical rockets. The mission is either totally fake or a huge, expensive boondoggle to no real end.

  • [They] control the culture and the economy. The idea that that the Space Program is just a boondoggle to distract people and get more tax money is not a satisfying explanation for why the space program exists. There must be another reason.

  • Note the symbolism from the audience. Look at the children and the colours. Watch for Earth and Moon symbolism. If this were all just a total fake, why make it SCREAM to those of us who have been taught to, in a tiny way, see?

  • The 'Mission Narrator' is a (married, masked) Indian woman named Swati Mohan. Her name means something like 'Beautiful Star' in Hindi; what are the odds of that? Also, remember when POTUS visited India and it seemed VERY important? I'll also throw in here that Hinduism is the last vestige of ancestral Aryan religion that still has active followers, and that seems somehow significant.

  • During the landing, watch Mission Control closely. Now select any OTHER landing from the past 20 or so years. Watch body-language and emotional states, especially during the 'Seven Minutes of Terror'. Compare and reconcile; now note the masks.

  • The video is full of audio and visual glitches. Can NASA really communicate across interplanetary distances but not broadcast a video across the internet without huge technical errors? Now consider when the glitches occur and consider the implications. Try not to scream too loudly.

  • Note masks and who is wearing them. Honestly, it would be so easy for them to just not wear them and use the MSM to convince people that they had a valid, safe reason not to do so ("We tested everyone three times daily for a month before the landing, and will test them daily for a month after; no-one with a positive test got within ten miles of the site, everything's fine."). There must be a reason. Consider what this might be.


Now watch this video from the House of Lords:

They seem awfully emotional about the whole thing for a bunch of Satanists bullshitting to trick the sheep, don't they? Consider the implications. Did the Apollo program go to the 'Moon'? Is that why we haven't been back? Is that why they were worried about contamination? Contamination with WHAT and from WHERE?


Schizophrenia Incoming

I'll just level with you all.

I think the Space Program is comms, and they're sending things … elsewhere.

I think, just maybe, this mission was to the Red faction's homeworld, and Blue's ('Europa') is next in line.

And. I think there's something VERY strange going on behind all of this.



I'd like to say, personally, to Q and Q+:

Thank you for presenting us with the gift of vision. To be able to see that there's SOMETHING happening, even if we don't understand even the tiniest part of it. Thank you for allowing someone as insignificant and undeserving as me to catch a glimpse, albeit a deeply-confusing one, of all of this.

But I am going to be EXTREMELY disappointed and annoyed if we don't get any answers at the end of it all; assuming that our continued existence is part of your plan once you've achieved your goals and you're not just going to wipe us all out, obviously.